SJE Teacher of the Year/DCSD Honor Roll Teacher

Kimberly Bonnoitt

Staff Member of the Year: 

Shannon Wall - In memory of Ms. Mildred Morant

May Teacher Feature - Mrs. Tanjah Hall

May Staff Feature - Mrs. Amanda Kelly

School and District Data Reports:

What is Title 1?

Title I provides financial assistance to schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to ensure all children have access to a high-quality education, receive direct instructional support for students, receive professional development for teachers, and have parent education and involvement. Title I hopes to improve education for school-wide programs in all core subjects, provide students with a well-rounded education as defined by the school's plan, and to support advanced learning opportunities for struggling students.

How Title I Money is spent at SJE:

If you are interested in participating in our school improvement council, please e-mail or call Mrs. Summer Craddock, Title 1 Coordinating Teacher.  (843) 398-2354

Parent Friendly Web-sites

Student Friendly Websites

May Parents Journal.pdf
May Daily Planner.pdf
Data 101 for Parents.pdf