Diet and Exercise

Wrestlers are divided by weight class to ensure fair competition.  Some may think that means that wrestlers need to starve themselves or *cut weight*.   Richland Wrestling does NOT approve of this at all.  Instead, our experienced coaches endorse a routine of proper nutrition, rest, and hydration to ensure our wrestlers are healthy and injury free.  

Balanced Diet

Focus on lean proteins, but include healthy fats as well such as nuts and peanut butter.  Wrestlers should try to get a half gram of protein per pound of weight.  For example, a 140 pound wrestler should try to get about 90 grams of protein per day.  Mixing in fruits and vegetables and other fibers help wrestlers feel full throughout the day as well. 


Wrestlers need to stay hydrated, and that means WATER replacement.  Gatorade, juice and pop should not be part of a wrestler’s diet.  Most wrestlers who have difficulty maintaining a healthy weight drink sugary sodas on weekends and then struggle the following week.


Wrestlers will be burning a LOT of calories that need to be replaced.  Wrestlers need to eat within the first hour of waking up every morning and should eat a decent amount at lunch and dinner.  Avoid overeating, but EAT!  It is far better to eat healthy amounts 3-4 times a day to keep metabolism going than it is to avoid eating entirely, then overeat to feel “full”.  


Sleep is CRITICAL for wrestlers.  After every meet and practice, they need to shower, refuel and rest.  Athletes at this age should be getting 9-12 hours of sleep each night to avoid getting sick, run down, or injured.  

Suggested foods 


hard boiled/scrambled eggs


 lean chicken/sausage/beef/turkey





nuts/peanut butter


skim milk or chocolate milk

Unhealthy Foods

Dedicated athletes in all sports sacrifice, but especially in wrestling.  Pop, chips, candy, ice cream, fried foods, and desserts are just not a part of athletics of any kind.  By avoiding these, wrestlers being to drop weight in a healthy way.   

Wrestling is a team sport, with individual competition.  Wrestlers, teammates, coaches and parents are all a part of that team.  If everyone does their part, all levels of success are possible!