Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) Communications Campaign Hub

Partners from across Cortland County are working together to coordinate and promote a communications campaign this spring focused on normalizing medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) and raising awareness of how to access it

As part of the HEALing Communities Study (HCS), we are working to help spread the word about how MOUD is an evidence-based treatment for managing a chronic condition--opioid use disorder--that has been shown to reduce the risk of overdose and can help improve lives. We are inviting interested community agencies, other groups, and concerned individuals to get involved and support this effort by sharing the materials below. The campaign will launch in early March 2023. This is the second of three campaigns that will be carried out over the next 18 months. 

What is Healing Cortland?

Healing Cortland is a community-wide initiative to better understand and improve opioid-related outcomes in Cortland County. Using a data-driven approach, the project’s goal is to reduce fatal and nonfatal overdoses, expand access to prevention and harm reduction resources, lessen stigma around opioid use, and help develop a more responsive treatment and recovery infrastructure.

In doing so, the Healing Cortland initiative will support the adoption of evidence-based practices that better serve the prevention, treatment, and recovery needs of the county. Healing Cortland is currently taking part in the HEALing Communities Study (HCS), which runs from July 1, 2022 until December 31, 2023. The Healing Cortland initiative will take lessons learned from the HCS to create a sustainable approach that serves Cortland County after this grant-funded project is over. By bringing together partners from the community, the initiative will foster a proactive framework for collecting timely data, sharing analysis across agencies, and better responding to opioid-related trends that impact the people of Cortland County.

Visit the Healing Cortland Website

Naloxone and Fentanyl Awareness: Fall 2022


According to the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, there were over 100,000 drug overdose deaths in the U.S. from April 2020-April 2021. This represents an almost six-fold increase from the year before. In Cortland County alone, there were 16 opioid-related overdose deaths in 2021, up from 8 in 2020. All opioid-overdose deaths that occurred last year were reported to have had fentanyl present. 

Who's the intended audience of the campaign?

This campaign aims to reach two main groups:

We are also looking to reach the general public to encourage support for the use of naloxone and reduce stigma. 

What do we hope people will learn?

We hope people who see these campaign materials will:

MOUD Awareness: Spring 2023 (March 6-May 5)


Opioid use disorder is a chronic condition, and it's normal to manage a chronic condition with medication. Prescriptions like buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone--often grouped as MOUD (medication for opioid use disorder)--are evidence-based treatment options that have been shown to reduce overdose risk and can help people reach and sustain recovery.

Who's the intended audience of the campaign?

This campaign aims to reach three main groups:

What do we hope people will learn?

We hope people who see these campaign materials will:

MOUD Retention: Fall 2023

More info coming soon!

Campaign Partners

Healing Cortland is excited to be partnering with a wide number of agencies across the community to share and track the success of the campaign. We are always looking for other partners to join in. Contact us if your agency is interested in sharing our social media content or helping to get the word out in another way. 

What is this site?

This site is a digital toolkit for other local organizations and service providers that want to get involved and/or support the HCS Communications Campaigns. Here, you will find: 

Each of the campaigns has a section below with a link to a Google Drive folder, as well as some context and messaging for the campaign's topic.

Please feel free to use any of these materials and reach out to us if you have any questions!