Hello, my name is Congrui Grace Jin and I'm an assistant professor at Texas A&M University. My research interest lies in the broad area of mechanics and materials motivated by practical applications in energy storage, advanced manufacturing, and sustainable construction, etc. I am passionate about learning and teaching and feel fortunate to be doing something that I really love. My goal is to inspire and promote the learning that unlocks students' full potential. I strive to teach students how to collaborate, ask critical questions, interpret their findings, and be resilient in face of challenges. Conducting research is like walking in the trenches - the blind alleys, the twists and turns, and the exhilaration of discovery.  


Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering with a minor degree in Applied Mathematics, Cornell University, NY, USA

Dissertation: Adhesion selectivity via complementarity             

M.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, AB, Canada

Thesis: Electromechanical behavior of surface-bonded piezoelectric sensors/actuators with imperfect adhesive layers                   

B.S. Electrical Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin, China

Teaching Experience

Engineering Computational Methods 

Mechanics in Energy Applications 

Finite Element Analysis 

Materials of Construction 

Materials for Energy and Sustainability 

Machine Learning in Engineering 

Computational Problem Solving 

Fluid Mechanics


Peer Reviewed Journal Publications


64. Nisha Rokaya, Erin Carr, Sudeep Tiwari, Richard Wilson, Congrui Jin 2025 Design of co-culturing system of diazotrophic cyanobacteria and filamentous fungi for potential application in self-healing concrete. Materials Today Communications  44, 112093

63. Arman Moussavi, Cody Stolle, Congrui Jin 2025 Biology as inspiration for creative design of roadside safety hardware. Materials & Design In Press


62. Wuxiang Feng, Katherine Zhang, Mohammad Jalal Zohuriaan-Mehr, Kourosh Kabiri, Congrui Jin 2024 Unlocking the application potential of superabsorbent polymers in landfill leachate treatment. Polymer Testing 138, 108537

61. Congrui Jin, Tareq Daher 2024 Educating undergraduates in civil engineering on macroethics by developing a technical elective course on energy and sustainability. Journal of Civil Engineering Education 150, 05024007

60. Congrui Jin 2024 Embedding numerical methods and MATLAB programming in a fluid mechanics course for undergraduates in engineering technology. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education In Press

59. John Ifeanyichukwu Ike, Akinpelu Kamoru Babayemi, Titus Chinedu Egbosiuba, Congrui Jin, Saheed Mustapha, Adeyinka Sikiru Yusuff, Virendra Kumar Yadav, Chinenye Adaobi Igwegbe 2024 Treated kaolin clay incorporated with nickel nanoparticles for enhanced removal of crystal violet and methyl orange from textile wastewater. ACS Applied Engineering Materials 2, 1031-1046

58. Ali Soleimani Borujerdi, Congrui Jin, Jinying Zhu 2024 Ultrasonic monitoring of lithium-ion batteries with in-situ self-temperature correction. Journal of Power Sources 597, 234103

57. Congrui Jin, Tareq Daher 2024 Group quizzing to improve attendance and performance in a civil engineering classroom - a case study. International Journal of Engineering Education 40, 144-153


56. Wuxiang Feng, Wei Wu, Zeyu Zhao, Joshua Gomez, Christopher Orme, Wei Tang, Wenjuan Bian, Cameron Priest, Frederick Stewart, Congrui Jin, Dong Ding 2023 Mathematical model-assisted ultrasonic spray coating for scalable production of large-sized solid oxide electrochemical cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 31430

55.  Logan Williams, Jake DiCesare, Olivia Sheppard, Congrui Jin, Xiaobo Chen, Ji Wu 2023 Antimony nanobelt asymmetric membranes for sodium ion battery. Nanotechnology 34, 145401


54.  Congrui Jin, Yanli Wang, Ali Soleimani Borujerdi, Jianlin Li 2022 Stress evolution and thickness change of a lithium-ion pouch cell under various cycling conditions. Journal of Power Sources Advances 16, 100103

53.  Congrui Jin 2022 Comment on “Multiphase, nultiscale chemomechanics at extreme low temperatures: battery electrodes for operation in a wide temperature range”. Advanced Energy Materials 12, 2200686 

52. Huiqiao Wang, Yongjun Zheng, Hucheng Xu, Jiaru Zou, Congrui Jin 2022 Metal-free synthesis of N-heterocycles via intramolecular electrochemical C-H aminations. Frontiers in Chemistry 10, 950635 

51.  Wuxiang Feng, Wei Wu, Wenjuan Bian, Congrui Jin, Dong Ding 2022 Ultrasonic wet powder spraying enabled high-performance membrane electrode assembly for proton-conducting electrochemical cells. Journal of DoD Research & Engineering 5, 1

50.  Wenjuan Bian, Wei Wu, Baoming Wang, Wei Tang, Meng Zhou, Congrui Jin, Hanping Ding, Weiwei Fan, Yanhao Dong, Ju Li, Dong Ding 2022 Revitalizing interface in protonic ceramic cells by acid etch. Nature 604, 479  


49.  Mohammad Ali Mousavi, Aref Sadeghi-Nik, Ali Bahari, Congrui Jin, Ramadan Ahmed, Togay Ozbakkaloglu, Jorge de Brito 2021 Strength optimization of cementitious composites reinforced by carbon nanotubes and Titania nanoparticles. Construction and Building Materials 303, 124510

48. Emilee Larson, Logan Williams, Congrui Jin, Xiaobo Chen, Jake DiCesare, Olivia Shepperd, Shaowen Xu, Ji Wu 2021 Molybdenum oxide nanoporous asymmetric membranes for high-capacity lithium ion battery anode. Journal of Materials Research 37, 1

47. Wuxiang Feng, Wei Wu, Congrui Jin, Meng Zhou, Wenjuan Bian, Wei Tang, Joshua Gomez, Richard Boardman, Dong Ding 2021 Exploring the structural uniformity and integrity of protonic ceramic thin film electrolyte using wet powder spraying. Journal of Power Sources Advances 11, 100067  

46. Congrui Jin, Jiong Hu, Ji Wu, Hanjie Liang, Jianlin Li 2021 Innovative and economically beneficial use of corn and corn products in electrochemical energy storage applications. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 9, 10678-10703 (Highlighted as Cover) 


45. Wuxiang Feng, Wei Wu, Congrui Jin, Dong Ding 2020 Manufacturing techniques of thin electrolyte for planar solid oxide electrochemical cells. The Electrochemical Society Interface 29, 47

44. Ali Davoodabadi, Congrui Jin, David Wood III, Timothy Singler, Jianlin Li 2020 On electrolyte wetting through lithium-ion battery separators. Extreme Mechanics Letters 40, 100960 

43. Mengya Li, Christopher Anderson, Parker Beaupre, Congrui Jin, Jianlin Li, Ji Wu 2020 Tin asymmetric membranes for high capacity sodium ion battery anodes. Materials Today Communications 24, 100998 

42. Ji Wu, Congrui Jin, Emilee Larson, Logan Williams 2020 Etching asymmetric germanium membranes with hydrogen peroxide for high-capacity lithium-ion battery anodes. Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science 217, 1900963 (Highlighted as Cover)

41. Zhen Yang, Congrui Jin, Tian Tang 2020 Asymmetric complementary interface for directional adhesion. International Journal of Solids and Structures 191-192, 110-121 

40. Katherine Zhang, Wuxiang Feng, Congrui Jin 2020 Protocol effectively measuring the swelling rate of hydrogels. MethodsX 7, 100779

39. Congrui Jin, Zhen Yang, Jianlin Li, Yijing Zheng, Wilhelm Pfleging, Tian Tang 2020 Bio-inspired interfaces for easy-to-recycle lithium-ion batteries. Extreme Mechanics Letters 34, 100594


38. Ali Davoodabadi, Jianlin Li, Hui Zhou, David Wood III, Timothy Singler, Congrui Jin 2019 Effect of calendering and temperature on electrolyte wetting in lithium-ion battery electrodes. Journal of Energy Storage 26, 101034 

37. Ji Wu, Christopher Anderson, Parker Beaupre, Shaowen Xu, Congrui Jin, Anju Sharma 2019 Co-axial fibrous silicon asymmetric membranes for high-capacity lithium-ion battery anode. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 49, 1013-1025 

36. Ali Davoodabadi, Jianlin Li, Yongfeng Liang, David Wood III, Timothy Singler, Congrui Jin 2019 Analysis of electrolyte imbibition through lithium-ion battery electrodes. Journal of Power Sources 424, 193-203 

35. Rakenth Menon, Jing Luo, Xiaobo Chen, Hui Zhou, Zhiyong Liu, Guangwen Zhou, Ning Zhang, Congrui Jin 2019 Screening of fungi for potential application of self-healing concrete. Scientific Reports 9, 2075 


34. Congrui Jin, Rui Yu, Zhonghe Shui 2018 Fungi: a neglected candidate for the application of self-healing concrete. Frontiers in Built Environment 4, 62

33. Wenbin Kan, Bo Chen, Congrui Jin, Hui Peng, Junpin Lin 2018 Microstructure and mechanical properties of a high Nb-TiAl alloy fabricated by electron beam melting. Materials and Design 160, 611-623

32. Congrui Jin and Ning Zhang 2018 Fungi-mediated self-healing concrete for sustainable and resilient infrastructure. Journal of the Homeland Defense & Security Information Analysis Center 5, 16-20 (Invited Article)

31. Ali Davoodabadi, Jianlin Li, Yongfeng Liang, Robert Wang, Hui Zhou, David Wood III, Timothy Singler, Congrui Jin 2018 Characterization of surface free energy of composite electrodes for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 165, A2493-A2501 

30. Ji Wu, Congrui Jin, Johnson Nathan, Moses Kusi, Jianlin Li 2018 Micron-size silicon monoxide asymmetric membranes for highly stable lithium ion battery anode. ChemistrySelect 3, 8662-8668 

29. Zhefei Jin, Weixin Li, Congrui Jin, James Hambleton, Gianluca Cusatis 2018 Anisotropic elastic, strength, and fracture properties of Marcellus shale. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 109, 124-137

28. Jing Luo, Xiaobo Chen, Jada Crump, Hui Zhou, David Davies, Guangwen Zhou, Ning Zhang, Congrui Jin 2018 Interactions of fungi with concrete: significant importance for bio-based self-healing concrete. Construction & Building Materials 164, 275-285 Featured in BBC Science in Action, NBC News, MIT Technology Review, Univision, Newsweek, Daily Mail, Siliconrepublic, IFLScience, New Atlas, Press & Sun-Bulletin, and Digital Trends, etc. 


27. Congrui Jin 2017 Comment on “Nanoindentation models and Young’s modulus of monolayer graphene: A molecular dynamics study” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 071908 (2013)]. Applied Physics Letters 110, 176101

26. Ji Wu, Ian Byrd, Congrui Jin, Jianlin Li, Hao Chen, Tyler Campa, Ryan Bujol, Anju Sharma, and Hanlei Zhang 2017 Reinvigorating reverse osmosis membrane technology to stabilize V2O5 lithium ion battery cathode. ChemElectroChem 4, 1181-1189 

25. Weixin Li, Roozbeh Rezakhani, Congrui Jin, Xinwei Zhou, Gianluca Cusatis 2017 A multiscale framework for the simulation of the anisotropic mechanical behavior of shale. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 41, 1494-1522

24. Congrui Jin, Ali Davoodabadi, Jianlin Li, Yanli Wang, and Timothy Singler 2017 Spherical indentation of a freestanding circular membrane revisited: analytical solutions and experiments. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 100 85-102 

23. Congrui Jin and Donna Ebenstein 2017 Nanoindentation of compliant materials using Berkovich tips and flat tips. Journal of Materials Research 32, 435-450

22. Congrui Jin, Marco Salviato, Weixin Li, and Gianluca Cusatis 2017 Elastic microplane formulation for transversely isotropic materials. Journal of Applied Mechanics 84, 011001


21. Congrui Jin, Zhixin Wang, Alex Volinsky, Asma Sharfeddin, Nathan Gallant 2016 Mechanical characterization of crosslinking effect in polydimethylsiloxane using nanoindentation. Polymer Testing 56, 329-336

20. Congrui Jin, Danial Sharifikia, Matthew Jones, and Shahrzad Towfighian 2016 On the contact behavior of micro-/nano-structured interface used in vertical-contact-mode triboelectric nanogenerators. Nano Energy 27, 68-77 

19. Ji Wu, Hao Chen, Ian Byrd, Shavonne Lovelace, and Congrui Jin 2016 Fabrication of SnO2 asymmetric membranes for high performance lithium battery anode. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, 13946-13956 

18. Congrui Jin and Qichao Qiao 2016 Deformation of pyramidal PDMS stamps during microcontact printing. Journal of Applied Mechanics 83 071011

17. Congrui Jin 2016 Numerical investigation of indentation tests on a transversely isotropic elastic material by power-law shaped axisymmetric indenters. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 30 1223-1242

16. Congrui Jin, Nicola Buratti, Marco Stacchini, Marco Savoia and Gianluca Cusatis 2016 Lattice Discrete Particle Modeling of fiber reinforced concrete: experiments and simulations. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 57 85-107

Before 2015

15. Congrui Jin and Markus Lazar 2015 A note on Lorentz-like transformations and superluminal motion. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ZAMM) 95 690-694

14. Congrui Jin, Anand Jagota and Chung-Yuen Hui 2013 Structure and energetics of dislocations at a micro-structured complementary interface govern adhesion. Advanced Functional Materials 23 3452-3462 (Highlighted as Frontispiece)

13. Congrui Jin 2012 On the estimation of dynamic mass density of random composites. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132 615-620

12. Congrui Jin, Krishnacharya Khare, Shilpi Vajpayee, Shu Yang, Anand Jagota and Chung-Yuen Hui 2011 Adhesive contact between a rippled elastic surface and a rigid spherical indenter: from partial to full contact. Soft Matter 7 10728-10736 

11. Congrui Jin, Anand Jagota and Chung-Yuen Hui 2011 An easy-to-implement numerical simulation method for adhesive contact problems involving asymmetric adhesive contact. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44 405303

10. Congrui Jin, Ying Bai, Anand Jagota and Chung-Yuen Hui 2011 Adhesion selectivity by electrostatic complementarity. II. Two-dimensional analysis. Journal of Applied Physics 110 054903

9. Ying Bai, Congrui Jin, Anand Jagota and Chung-Yuen Hui 2011 Adhesion selectivity by electrostatic complementarity. I. One-dimensional stripes of charge. Journal of Applied Physics 110 054902

8. Congrui Jin and Xiaodong Wang 2011 Analytical modeling of the electromechanical behaviour of surface-bonded piezoelectric actuators including the adhesive layer. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 2547-2562

7. Congrui Jin and Xiaodong Wang 2011 The effect of adhesive layers on the dynamic behavior of surface-bonded piezoelectric sensors with debonding. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 22 655-670

6. Congrui Jin and Xiaodong Wang 2010 The effect of imperfect bonding layer on the electromechanical behaviour of surface-bonded piezoelectric sensors. Journal of Mechanics and MEMS 2 33-54

5. Congrui Jin, Xiaodong Wang and Mingjian Zuo 2010 The dynamic behaviour of surface-bonded piezoelectric actuators with debonded adhesive layers. Acta Mechanica 211 215-235

4. Congrui Jin 2009 Theoretical study of mechanical behavior of thin circular film adhered to a flat punch. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 51 481-489

3. Congrui Jin 2008 Analysis of energy release rate and bending-to-stretching behavior in the shaft-loaded blister test. International Journal of Solid and Structures 45 6485-6500

2. Congrui Jin and Xiaodong Wang 2008 A theoretical study of a thin film delamination using shaft-loaded blister test: Constitutive relation without delamination. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 56 2815-2831

1. Congrui Jin 2008 Large deflection of circular membrane under concentrated force. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 29 889-896

Book Chapters

4. Ali Davoodabadi, Jianlin Li, and Congrui Jin 2023 Electrolyte filling and formation of lithium-ion cells. Processing and Manufacturing of Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries, eds. Li, J and Jin, C, Institution of Engineering & Technology

3. Congrui Jin and Jianlin Li 2022 Bio-inspired nanotechnology for easy-to-recycle lithium-ion batteries. Nano Technology for Battery Recycling, Remanufacturing, and Reusing, eds. Farhad, S, Gupta, R K, Yasin, G, and Nguyen, T A, Elsevier 

2. Weixin Li, Congrui Jin, and Gianluca Cusatis 2016 Integrated experimental and computational characterization of shale at multiple length scales. New Frontiers in Oil and Gas Exploration, eds. Jin, C and Cusatis, G, Springer

1. Congrui Jin 2016 Experimental and numerical investigation of mechanical interactions of proppant and hydraulic fractures. New Frontiers in Oil and Gas Exploration, eds. Jin, C and Cusatis, G, Springer


2. Jianlin Li and Congrui Jin, editors, 2023. Processing and Manufacturing of Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Institution of Engineering and Technology 

1. Congrui Jin and Gianluca Cusatis, editors, 2016. New Frontiers in Oil and Gas Exploration, Springer

Invited Articles

3. Congrui Jin What if Cracks in Concrete Could Fix Themselves?, TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing, October 2018

2. Congrui Jin Fungi can Help Concrete Heal its Own Cracks, The Conversation, January 2018

1. Congrui Jin, Weixin Li, and Gianluca Cusatis Multiscale and Multiphysics Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing of Gas Tight Shale, imechanica Journal Club, April 2017

Funding Sources

U.S. Department of Defense

U.S. Department of Agriculture 

U.S. Department of Transportation 

National Aeronautics and Space Administration 

Battelle Energy Alliance



Mid-America Transportation Center

Texas A&M Institute of Data Science 

Nebraska Department of Transportation

Nebraska Corn Board 

NASA Nebraska 

Nebraska Governance and Technology Center 

Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research 

University of Nebraska System Collaboration Initiative 

Jane Robertson Layman Fund 

New York State Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence

Research Foundation for the State University of New York

Professional Service

Associate Editor: Journal of Energy Storage, Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, Frontiers in Microbiology, Frontiers in Materials

Proposal Reviewer: U.S. Department of Energy, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Science Foundation 

Membership: American Society of Mechanical Engineers since 2015, American Society of Engineering Education since 2013


Congrui Grace Jin, Ph.D.

Texas A&M University

Office Phone: (979) 458-4509   

Cell Phone: (402) 783-1583

Email: jincongrui@tamu.edu