2017-2018 TIPSHINTS

Tip #18 - Very valuable resource!

Do you have a library card? If not you are missing out on some valuable resources at your fingertips! The Columbus Public Library has valuable resources under the Research tab. First if you click on the Research Tab there are 4 sub tabs to browse. One of them is Homework Tools. When you click on that it will pull up dictionaries, encyclopedias, cultural items (great for the ESL students), Bookflix and Trueflix. (More on Trueflix later). The next tab to look at is: Research. You will find the same sites that you find in Homework Tools and you will also find Hoopla (movies and videos on all genres) and Tumblebook Library (pretty much the same as Bookflix) Best of all these are FREE!

Now the "more on Trueflix" Trueflix " offers dozens of units to supplement social studies and science core curricula learning, TrueFlix® is a highly-engaging multimedia resource that can be used in the library, the classroom, on mobile devices, or at home." If you go through the library this resource is free.

Check these out over the summer to enhance your teaching once school starts again! Take care and have a super, relaxing summer!

Tip #17 - Google classroom-what is it?

Google Classroom is a free web service developed by Google for schools that aims to simplify creating, distributing and grading assignments in a paperless way. The primary purpose of Google Classroom is to streamline the process of sharing files between teachers and students.

  • from Wikipedia

I read that enlightening definition and said to myself, "Huh?" So, I did what anyone with a love of learning would do-I found somebody really smart and asked him/her. Well, that didn't really help, but I found out a lot about neuroscience or dendrochronology.

Anyway, my next place I went to was my PLN (Professional Learning Network). In doing a search for Google Classroom I came across a FREE (anybody that knows me Knows I LOVE free!) course that teaches using Google Classroom in a very easy way.

To access the course go to: Getting Started With Google Classroom. While you are there you can check out Shake Up Learning website and add them to your PLN.


Do you remember as a kid playing in the sandbox. All the roads, sand castles, holes that your imagination helped you to make. Well, the music group OK Go has made a 21st century virtual STEM sandbox (actually in my opinion it's a STEAM sandbox). If you have never heard of or seen an OK Go music video I highly recommend doing a Google search for OK Go and watch a few of their videos.

If you are like me I wondered about all the Math and Science that went into the making of the videos. That's where the OK Go Sandbox comes into play. The group has provided lesson plans and short instructional videos that show how they made the music videos. I feel with a little "tweaking" their lesson plans can apply to all ages.

Also, this week I have added a new page to the website called SHARED TIPSHINTS. This is where you can find Tips and Hints that are shared with me from all of you! Please check this out at your earliest convenience!

TIP #15 - Whooo's Reading? An all grade, reading website!

I have come across some really good websites during my teaching career, but not many that cater to my students reading abilities and interests. whooosreading.org is the site that does both. It also includes a writing part that might help with written responses on the state tests! How the site works is a student reads a book, any book, and then goes to the site. It will ask the children that the President wants to read the book and what can the student tell him/her about the book.

The next thing is that the website uses their researched rubrics and will score the students responses. For more on the scoring rubrics look here: Whooo's Reading Autograder. The autograder will also tell them to write more or give more information.

This is one Reading website that I will definitely use and continue to recommend to anyone who teaches!

Tip #14 - Take a Folktale trip around the world!

Do you want to expand your folktales lessons to show where the folktales originated from? Would you like to add some "pizzazz" to your reading lessons? Well, I just found a site from RIF (Reading is Fundamental) that can do this. The site is called Folktales From Around the World and by using Google Earth you can show your students where these folktales have taken place. Check this out today.

(Also, I am not superstitious, but keeping in the fashion of hotels/motels I didn't include Tip #13!)

Tip #12 - Semantris-word Association game from Google ai

I just found a NEW, FANTASTIC, Word Association game from Google AI (Artificial Intelligence). The game is called SEMANTRIS. It is like the old Tetris games in that there are colored blocks that are either blank or have words in them. An example is if there is a red block that is next to 2 red blocks and the one block has the word "television" in it, you can type in radio and you get the points for the red blocks and the connecting red word block.

I can see the use for this game in ESL, practicing word association, and it can even help out your students's writing ability.

TIP #11-More Write reader resources

I introduced you to WriteReader.com in Tip #5 and I have found this wonderful blog post for using WriteReader in your classroom!

Innovative way to report on student progress

Are you looking for an innovative way to report on student progress? Well, look no further than WriteReader. There are so many ways for multimedia books to be a part of your students’ representations of learning. From formative assessment to report card supplements. Get a quick overview by reading our blog post:


How to Use the Writing Field in WriteReader

WriteReader provides multiple options for adults to support students’ writing. You can use the “adult writing field” to scribe, transcribe, translate, give feedback, provide a response, or as a student-directed space. Get inspiration and read how other teachers are using the adult writing field:


Get started today or log in: app.writereader.com

(works even on smartphones :-))

Some Resources To Help Get Started Using WriteReader

TIP #10 - CHECKMARK - Useful feedback tool for grammar and content in Google Docs!

Checkmark is an EXCELLENT Google Docs add-on from the EdTech Team. I have used this many times with my 2nd graders and it is a very easy way to provide them grammar and content feedback when they write in Google Docs.

Here is the overview from their website: "CheckMark by EdTechTeam makes the process of providing feedback on student writing in Google Docs faster and more efficient. After installing CheckMark by EdTechTeam, simply enable the extension and select some text in a Google Doc! You'll see an overlay of frequently-used comments that you can easily select."

Like always if you have any questions please don't hesitate to email me at: adreier@columbus.k12.oh.us

Thanks and have an easier day of teaching!

TIP #9 - Help out with World Hunger and teach students at the same time!!!!!!!

I know I said that I'm going to take a few weeks off to revamp my delivery system for my Tips and Hints, but this one is too good to pass up!

How can you help with world hunger and have your children learn?

Just go to Freerice.com and have your children answer some questions. For each question they answer correctly the website will donate 10 grains of rice to the World Food Programme. If your children gets any wrong it gives them an easier question next time. Great site and your helping to solve World Hunger!


Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.

A. A. Milne

How true this quote is, at least for me! If you are like me, organization is not one of my skills. I have stacks of paper and think I could find stuff, but then I end up making or finding something new. Also, what about those websites that you find that ultimately gets buried in your bookmark bar. If any of this sounds familiar then I have found a website for you.

The site is called LIVEBINDER. It is kind of like Google Drive, but I feel it is easier to use. You can save your binders, share them, make all kinds of different binders, and save to a binder all in one click with the LiveBinder It extension.

I recommend checking this out today and it is definitely a site that will make your life much easier.

Tip #7 - "A must have, impossible to teach without!"

"A must have, impossible to teach without!"

This is what the two "world-famous" teaching critics Sissy & Eggbert have said about this next site! (Actually that's a joke!) Anyway, this site is absolutely fantastic though! The site is called: Classroom Screen. Here are some of the features of this site:

- You can change backgrounds or upload one of your own

- It has a random name chooser or you can have it roll 1, 2, or 3 dice.

- Uses your computer's microphone to measure the loudness of the class.

- You can put class instructions up on your SMART board, work symbols, and even an interactive Exit Ticket feature to use to guide instruction.

This is just a stupendous site and it will definitely help out and make your teaching easier.

TIP #6 - Using Videos as a Writing Prompt (Also, cat lovers will like this too!)

I have always loved giving my students a cute, silly, writing prompt and letting their imagination take over. I have progressed to using images as writing prompts, but until recently I have never thought of using videos as a writing prompt. I recently came across this video that was recommend as a writing prompt for ELL learners and thought this is very applicable to all students.

Have your students watch this and have them discuss and write about their favorite scene or have them write about inferences or summarize the video.

The videos are called Paws & Chores--Simon's Cat and Mariza-The Stubborn Donkey

Have fun and take care! (Also, you have got to check out the vacuum scene in the video! It's hilarious!)


I'M SO EXCITED to share this tip! I recently found a GREAT Writing website! I have used this site once with my class and they can't wait to write even more! I will even provide a PD on this (Hint! Hint! Dr. Smith!) if anyone wants it! The website is called Writereader (I think this site is so huge I typed the link out in a BOLD font!)

Like always, if you have any questions, PLEASE don't hesitate to ask!

(I would also like to give special thanks to the Pointer Sisters for the musical accompaniment!)


If you are like me you might feel that the children we teach need more than just the core subjects taught. So many of our children need character instruction. Without much curriculum out there that teaches this I find myself going to the website: Pass It On. At this website you will find quotes, billboards, radio ads, and what I like the best are the videos. The website talks about subjects like: courage, honesty, confidence, encouragement, and many other things. I encourage you to check out this website today and like always - Pass It On!

TIP #3 - SMART Notebook 17.1

I have recently obtained the product key for SMART Notebook 17.1 software. You will need the key to download SMART Notebook free of charge. The product key is: (Only for Gables Elementary Staff, please request the product key.)

ADDENDUM - If you use a school computer you will need Kody to use his administrative privileges to download SMART Notebook 17.1. Also here is a TIPSHINTS Guide to Downloading SMART Notebook 17.1

TIP #2 - OH NO! My dry eraser marker is dead!


Well, Tipsters I have some tips for you!

+ You can use a pliers and pull out the tip and insert it back in at 180 degrees. This might give you a few more uses out of it.

+ Don't throw away those used up markers yet, they can be used as SMART board markers.

+ Take off the caps and use those as game pieces.

+ To preserve your dry erase markers is to store them with the tips down. Gravity will go to work and move the ink towards the tip. Also get the self-adhesive magnetic strips and put those on your dry erase markers to hang them upside down on your dry erase boards.

+ One last thing, if you get permanent marker on something and it won't wipe off, color over it with a dry erase marker and wipe it clean. YES, IT REALLY WORKS!

TIP #1 - All the toilet paper's gone! What do I do?


USE OLD TOILET PAPER OR PAPER TOWEL TUBES TO STORE POSTERS IN! You can roll up the posters and put the posters inside the tubes and then write on the outside of the tubes what's on the posters!

ADDENDUM: From Ruth Palmer - "You can also use the roles to store extension cords in!" - Great TIPSHINTS!