IEPs and Gen Ed Testing

I have reserved Fridays as my day for IEP assessment.

Annual IEPs

If your child has an Annual IEP this year, I will create a Zoom session to conduct informal assessments prior to the IEP.

Triennial Assessment

If your child has a Triennial Assessment due this year, the state has given us permission to conduct in person formal assessments following strict guidelines for personal protective equipment.

Rest assured that IEPs for your child will be held within their timeline.

The majority of teachers assign tests on Friday. Therefore, I will reserve the first 2 Instructional Blocks on Friday for test support. I will send out a special Zoom link for this time. Your child may pop in and out as needed for test support. They are not required to be on Zoom with me the entire time.

NOTE: I am not allowed to support or help students with their iReady diagnostic. This diagnostic assesses what they are capable of independently and creates a pathway for them on iReady.