
Looking for some extra support, check out these resources!


SCIP presents their Community Awareness Series: Promoting Healthy Behaviors with a focus on Youth Anxiety and Depression. You can watch the presentation HERE. You can also check out their monthly newsletters HERE.

Mental Health Conversation

Our 7th-grade counselor presented to the Irving Parent Teacher Student Organization (IPTSO) about mental health. Check out the presentation and resources HERE.

Using ParentVUe

Navigating Synergy and ParentVUE can be tricky, scroll through this powerpoint for a step-by-step guide to viewing your student(s) grades and missing assignments.



Sometimes crises happen and we don’t know where to turn, check out Centerpointe for the crisis hotline or text line. Anyone can experience a crisis; you are not alone.


crisis text line

Sometimes we want to talk to someone but it feels easier to do it over text. Crisis Text Line is ready to text through your crisis with you.



Bullying and Cyberbullying are a sad reality for our world today. Learn more about how to start conversations and support your student for success when it comes to bullying.


unl - Tbip

Are you struggling with a student that is a victim of bullying or is bullying others? UNL has an amazing program called TBIP (Target Bullying Involvement Program) which is a FREE individualized program provided by supervised trained specialists for students ages 7 to 18 years old who are involved in bullying whether that be through victimization, perpetration, or both. The T-BIP is a one-on-one, three-hour cognitive-behavioral intervention tailored to specific student concerns.




TeamMates is a school-based mentoring program that matches a qualified adult with a student. These relationships are formed through once-a-week interactions. If you want to nominate or become a mentor or are looking to have someone mentor your student check out their website.



social worker brochures

Looking for tips on helping your student with different issues such as: attendance, anxiety, bedtime routines, depression, self-harm, sexual assault, trauma, and more? Check out the LPS Social Worker Brochures


mylnk app

It can be overwhelming to know where to start when it comes to needed help or different resources. Download the MyLnk App for Apple and have all the resources Lincoln has to offer at your fingertips.

e-cigarettes & vaping

Vaping is a hot topic these days and it can be difficult to know how to start that conversation with your student. Check out this flier provided by the CDC (Center for Disease Control & Prevention) for more information!