Policies & Expectations


Please note that ANY time a student must be away from class for an extended period of time (as in a COVID quarantine), they should log in to Google Classroom for his/her assignment.

Smart Devices 

Parents, Thank you so much for visiting my web page! We have dedicated computers for my classes, so your child having access to technology is not a problem. While I understand your desire to be able to reach your child at certain times, the work we are doing here is very important. During class time, smart devices of any type will need to be out of the reach of your child.

Class Participation and Preparedness

"Give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, feed him for life." We learn by doing; the doing is referred to as practice, until it is time to perform. The tasks we do each day are in preparation for performance time.  The expectation is that each child will participate in that practice. Treating others the way he or she wishes to be treated is also an important life skill we will practice daily. 

For my class, if a student will simply bring the desire to give his or her best effort, there is nothing that can't be accomplished.