Science & Technology

Galvin Middle School Science, Technology, & Engineering

The Galvin Middle School Science, Technology, and Engineering curricula is designed with the notion that active engagement of middle school students with science and engineering practices is critical. Students engage in learning opportunities to experience the dynamic, interdisciplinary nature of science and technology/engineering. Sixth through eighth grade science and technology/engineering courses are structured in a way that instills wonder in students about the world around them through engaging and exciting learning experiences. This includes thoughtful hands-on activities, laboratories, investigations, and design challenges as students navigate through Earth, Life, Physical, and Technology/Engineering concepts. At the same time, active engagement in learning promotes a “growth mindset” that allows students to feel they can access content and develop skills, and thus succeed in STE.

6th Grade Science

Sixth grade science classes implement a Project Based Learning learning model. Through this model, students will become more creative, critical, and analytical thinkers, by engaging in interdisciplinary project based learning experiences. Students will be challenged to use an inquiry based approach to problem solving, generating questions and communicate their results. There are 4 themes throughout the year that the entire 6th grade will be guided by. These are Structure, Relationships, Change and Constancy, and Systems. It is within these themes that students will be gaining experience in science topics such as geologic processes and fossils; the organization of living things and body systems; physical and chemical properties of matter; as well as the role of heat in chemical and physical changes.

7th Grade Science

Seventh grade science students will engage in study of the Earth’s systems and cycles. Students will use their understanding of structures & functions to make connections and form relationships within systems, and understand the relevance of the flow of matter & energy.

They will gain experience with the geologic features and processes of the Earth such as the hydrosphere, weathering & erosion, and natural hazards including the human mitigation of damage using past geologic events, cyclic patterns and new technologies. Students will build upon the life science concepts they studied in sixth grade, with a focus on the interactions of organisms and population dynamics within ecosystems and their abiotic/biotic potential.

They will understand the importance of the balance within ecosystems for protecting and conserving resources. Finally, students will be able to recognize the importance of the different forms of energy along with the conversion and transfer of the various forms of kinetic & potential energy.

The students will engage in various learning platforms, such as project based learning, in order to access the rigorous curriculum and communicate their learning.

8th Grade Science

Eighth grade science students explain and model the causes of various phenomena and systems via different means, ranging from written and verbal explanations to more complex conceptualizations such as illustrations and modeling. After establishing the cause and effect relationships, students are then able to make reasonable predictions about the future behavior of the matter and behavior within a particular system.

Cause and effect relationships in all three branches of science - Physical, Life, and Earth - are studied. The same essential question is used throughout - “How does the matter involved behave and is it possible to predict future behavior based on the cause-effect relationships that exist?” The behavior of matter is studied from the microscopic level (ex. the behavior of atoms during a chemical reaction) to the macroscopic level (ex. the behavior of two objects of different masses colliding).

Grade 8 science teachers use a variety of strategies to teach these concepts with an emphasis on hands-on, relevant, project based learning experiences.

6th - 8th Grade Technology and Engineering

The GMS Technology and Engineering curriculum is built with a focus of developing conceptual understanding and real-world problem solving skills through a broad variety of hands-on projects and activities.

Using the Engineering Design Process through a project based learning approach, students engage in relevant and rigorous learning experiences. Technology/engineering grades sixth through eighth students explore, engage and learn Computer Aided Design, Robotics, Transportation, Manufacturing and Communication Technologies.

Beginning in sixth grade with a rigorous design and modeling course, Project Lead the Way provides hands-on opportunities for our students to solve real world problems while working through the Engineering Design Process and to learn skills to promote confidence and curiosity. Learning that we can solve problems for others encourages empathy in all we do. With a strong foundation of the design process our students move onto more complex technology systems in seventh grade.

Seventh grade students use their logical thinking and problem solving skills to form a deeper understanding of the world around them by exploring communication and transportation systems and technologies. We explore the history and evolution of technology as a way to share ideas, knowledge and materials with others while also focusing on logical problem solving and reasoning.

By completion of eighth grade, students will demonstrate a fundamental understanding of the Engineering Design Process and necessary skills by participating in our Innovation Summit. Students will explore the world around them and improve or redesign solutions to share with the local community. Students complete 8th grade as competent problem solvers with a sound knowledge of technology, tools and programs and how they relate to and improve their world.