
Registration form

To register for the conference, please fill in the form available at:

Registration fees

The registration fee includes:

  • Publication (edited volume of selected papers)

  • Certificate of attendance.

Registration and fee payment - not later than April 25, 2021.

Student Fee

Proof of full-time student status required before payment is made. A scanned copy of a letter from your institution confirming your student status should be emailed to the organizers.

FLUL cooperating teachers (professores cooperantes)

Primary, basic and secondary cooperating teachers who collaborate with FLUL in terms of the Masters in Language Teaching (Mestrado em Ensino) may attend the conference sessions for free.


The registration fee must be transferred in euros to our conference account at the University of Lisbon.

Account information:

Beneficiary: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

IBAN: PT50003508240001145013014


Purpose for transfer: ICFLL2020 - NAME PARTICIPANT (e.g. James Bond)

It is very important that you mark the payment with the purpose of the bank transfer plus your first and last name, because otherwise the financial department will not know where to allocate the money and we will not have your name on the list of those who have paid.

To ensure that the money transfer is properly registered, please e-mail us ( the payment document scanned, or its electronic version in PDF. All the money transfer costs and bank charges must be paid by the participant.

CANCELLATION POLICY: no refunds will be available.

Attendance Registration

The Conference is open to other people who would like to attend, but in order to receive the information to access the sessions, everyone should fill in the registration form. No fee will be charged.