Social Studies


Do you have photographs, lesson plans, or other materials documenting school librarian/science teacher collaboration? Please send them to Aaron G. Noll at We hope to create a gallery of photographs and resources facilitating this collaborative learning!

Tech Tools for Teaching & Learning

Global Oneness Project: Films, photoessays, articles, and curriculum on topics such as climate change, water scarcity, food insecurity, poverty, endangered cultures, migration, and sustainability.
NewseumEd: Free learning tools on media literacy and our First Amendment freedoms.
PBS Learning Media
The Global Goals: Lesson and resources oriented around 17 goals of sustainable global development.

Curriculum resources and games.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: What did Americans do? Explore the personal stories of individuals who responded to the Nazi threat in different ways.

Project Ideas, Lesson Plans, and Supporting Materials

United States Census Bureau: K-12 Activities

Find activities specially designed to be engaging and appropriate for your students' grade level, from counting for kindergarteners to examining career statistics for high schoolers. Each activity also teaches your students about the importance of a complete count in the 2020 Census.

Stanford History Education Group: Free lessons and resources to build historical inquiry and primary source skills.

Stanford History Education Group

ABC CLIO Video Lessons, Quizzes, and Activities on American History, American Government, & World History

ABC CLIO Video Lessons, Quizzes, and Activities on American History, American Government, & World History

Library of Congress: Program for Teachers

Program for Teachers

National Hispanic Heritage Month
Smithsonian Latino Center: Teaching and Learning
Edsitement: The Best of the Humanities on the Web
Statistics in Schools

Statistics in Schools (SIS) brings school subjects to life using real-world Census Bureau statistics to create materials for use year after year for K-12 students.

Anti-Defamation League

Strategies to bring anti-bias practices into your in-person and virtual classrooms.

The Learning Network: Teaching and learning with the New York Times.

From the New York Times.

The Hacking STEM Library From Microsoft: "Browse our library for downloadable, hands-on, teacher-tested projects and activities that use everyday materials to make STEM affordable, accessible, and fun for everyone."