
Scholarships and Awards 2023-2024

Celebrating Educators and Quality Public Education

Have you or a member of your community made a positive impact on public education? Has your involvement (or your colleagues’ involvement) in local politics or human & civil rights made a difference? CTA recognizes educators and members of the community who promote quality public education, and impact their students and community. 

Awards include effective communications by and for local chapters, excellence in public education media coverage, strong social justice and human rights work and more. 

Educational scholarship grants offer financial support to CTA members and their dependents throughout the academic year. 

Profesional Development Grants


Professional Development

Lifelong Learners 

Quality professional development is essential to improving public education and the teaching profession. 

CTA offers professional development opportunities designed to improve the quality of teaching and learning and to enhance an educators’ livelihood. Whether it’s attending one of our conferences, participating in a training or workshop, or applying for a scholarship or grant, CTA members will find practical information and resources for successful skill-building in and outside of the classroom. 

Events & Conferences

Our statewide conferences are designed to provide knowledge and skills for CTA members on a variety of topics including teaching and learning, racial justice and equity, LGBTQ+, education advocacy, new and veteran educator issues and regional conferences.  When you attend a CTA conference, you experience engaging workshops and sessions, perspective from some of the best content experts and thought leaders in public education, and opportunities to network with colleagues. The skills and information from our conferences can be immediately applied to your role as an educator and local leader.