Jefferson Elementary School Counseling Program

Candace Bauer, MA

School Counselor

208 854 5266

I've been the school counselor at Jefferson Elementary since 2012. My role as the counselor is to promote and implement activities that focus on meeting the needs of all students. I do this by:

- teaching counseling curriculum in each classroom . Topics vary by grade level but encompass Social/Emotional, Academic, and College and Career Readiness standards. I have an emphasis on mindfulness, resilience and Toolbox and arts integration.

- providing individual student planning for academic, career or personal/social needs

- facilitating counseling groups (friendship, social skills , mindfulness)

- providing consultation, referral, or crisis support services to parents & guardians

I believe parent communication is essential to this process! We are a team ! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your child.

A bit about me. I love the curiosity and exuberance of our students ! In my spare time ,I enjoy hiking, biking, skiing, yoga, cooking and traveling . Basically anything outside !

Counselors help you help yourself!

Offer help to those in need!

Understand & share knowledge to help you be the best you can be!

Never too busy to talk with you!

Smiling is what I do & like doing with you!

Everyone can see a counselor!

Listening & learning are my two favorite things to do with you!

Offer a variety of options to all!

Respect & responsibility are important choices for you and for me.

I love being your school counselor!

Counseling Related Activities at Jefferson:

Big Brothers Big Sisters Kindness Ambassadors

Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)

Problem Solving Intervention Team (PSIT)

Operation School Bell Red Ribbon Week

Sources of Strength

Toolbox Mindfulness Self Regulation Kids Yoga

Friendship Groups

Character Education

504 Case Manager

Corona Virus (Covid 19) Information:

Boise Schools were closed March 13, 2020, in order to slow the spread of the virus. I will be adding information to this site to help your family stay safe and healthy. We also can do Google hangouts/meets to stay engaged , connected and supported! Counseling lessons have been added to our district learning page. I'll also be posting additional video lessons here on the Optional Counseling Lessons page.

Know That This Will End- Although right now the pandemic feels endless, we need to remind ourselves and our kids that it won't be. Although we don’t know the specific timeline, the need for social distancing, closures, and the life changes we are currently experiencing aren't permanent. Knowing this makes it much easier to cope.

Things will be different for a while . The most important thing now is to make sure your children know how much they are loved and how you are there for them to keep them safe and healthy! There are many things that are not cancelled. nature is not cancelled , relationships are not cancelled, gratitude is not cancelled and perseverance is not cancelled . The universe definitely has a different curriculum for us currently ! Remind your children to use their tools and coping skills, especially practicing mindfulness. This was a huge focus for us at Jefferson this year. They probably can share some mindfulness activities with you ! Questions you can ask yourself daily are:

What am I grateful for today?

Who am I checking in on or connecting with today?

What expectations of normal am I letting go of today?

How am I getting outside today?

How am I moving my body today?

What beauty am I creating or letting in today ?

Please enjoy the BSD virtual peace room: