Bells Education Foundation

Established for the purpose of inspiring academic excellence of students and teachers of Bells Independent School District

About the Foundation

The foundation is currently operated by a 15-member board of directors and will use multiple committees to aid in decision-making. The board has developed an incentive program for students and teachers exemplifying academic excellence which is detailed below:


 Students earning a 30 on the ACT or a 1390 on the SAT will receive $150.

Students achieving a qualifying score on Advanced Placement exams given at Bells High School will be rewarded as follows:

Bells Education Foundation Awards Students Scholarships for Achieving Excellence

New CNC Machine for BHS Robotics

The Bells Education Foundation recently purchased a CNC machine for the high school robotics students to use in their classes and team activities.


Fundraising for the foundation has already begun for 2023-2024. Generous donors who support the mission of this foundation have enabled incentives for students since the spring of 2020. Several fundraising efforts are in the planning stages. Please consider helping the Bells ISD Education Foundation today!