Physical Education (PE)

Welcome Back 

Welcome back to school everyone. We have some exciting sports clubs occuring this half term. Please look below to find out what they are. 


Physical Education at Astley Cooper 

 At The Astley Cooper School we aim to instil the school’s core values into every lesson. As teachers we work to ensure each student aspires to create lifelong connections with physical education and health and fitness by creating fun and engaging lessons for pupils of all abilities. We encourage and guide each student to be determined to improve and develop their skills in a variety of activities. Students develop integrity through learning about sportsmanship and being involved in internal and external sports fixtures. We offer students a range of sports to give them a wide experience of physical activities, in the hope they find one they enjoy and continue in and outside of school. We offer traditional sports such as: Rugby, Netball, Football, Rounders, and Swimming and less traditional sports, which are growing in popularity, such as Handball and Softball. Our teachers are dedicated and offer a range of clubs throughout the year, during lunch times and after school, giving students the opportunity to continue training in the sports they enjoy the most. 

Mr Gatenby

I arrived at the school as a fresh-faced NQT and, 15 years later, I am still at the school as the Subject Leader for PE. I still love teaching PE to the students and whilst football and cricket are my main sports, I enjoy teaching a range of activities. 

I particularly enjoy giving students the opportunity to compete in extracurricular competitions.  

Mrs Ollerenshaw-East 

I joined Astley Cooper in 2013 after finishing my PE teaching degree at The University of Bedfordshire. My main sports are football, table tennis and swimming, all of which I have participated in throughout my time at school and university. 

I love watching both men's and women's football and am a Tottenham fan.

Mr Stevenson

I have taught at Astley Cooper for over 25 years but am still 'young at heart'. I love all sports and have played and coached rugby all my life. I am a Saracens RFC and Watford FC supporter.

To keep fit I cycle and enjoy Peloton classes. I also play lots of tennis and am attempting to improve my golf handicap.

Miss Hunt

I am a new member of the Astley Cooper PE department and my main sports are swimming and netball. I enjoy training with a masters swimming club, going to the gym and watching football, in my spare time.

I like the variety of sports available at ACS and love seeing students getting involved in extracurricular activities.

Mr Fallan

I am a new member of the PE staff at Astley Cooper and my main sports are athletics, rugby, and swimming. I continued to play and coach rugby whilst studying at The 

University of Surrey. 

I enjoy my fitness and can often be found running, or participating in circuits, before school and playing touch rugby after school.

Sports Person of 2021

Last year was challenging for all students due to COVID, however, despite students having to learn from home for large parts of the year we were impressed with the determination and aspiration students demonstrated in PE. We believe it is important to acknowledge the student's success and positive attitude. 

Below is one student from each year group, who were selected to recieve a certificate for their outstanding work and behaviour. 

Year 7 

Congratulations to Harry. H

Harry is a committed and enthusiastic student. He attended all extra curricular clubs on offer. He is a vital member of the strong Softball team. We look forward to Harry representing the school in a range of sports next year. 

Year 8 

Congratulations to Elliot. N

Elliot has proven himself to be a strong Games player, excelling in a range of sports such as Football and Rugby. He is also an outstanding role model to his peers. 

Year 9 

Congratulations to Maria. S

Maria always has a positive attitude. She is fully committed to both lessons and extra - curricular PE. She is also an outstanding good role model to others. 

Year 10 

Congratulations to Jess. W  

Jess has consistently high scores in all assessments throughout the year. She is a very determined learner. She is working hard at improving her  practical scores. Jess is an outstanding role model to her peers.

Year 11 

Congratulations to Dylan. K

Dylan has been a strong practical performer throughout his time at Astley Cooper. He has an outstanding work ethic in all aspects of theory. We look forward to him continuing to study sport in our Sixth Form. 

Year 12 

Congratulations to Casey. E

Casey sets herself extremely high standards. She is a very determine  and is self motivated to improve grades. The quality of her theory and practical work has been outstanding. We hope this continues into Year 13. 

Year 13 

Congratulations to Alfie. A

Alfie has always been a strong practical performer. This year he has drastically improved his attitude in theory lessons. He has matured into a driven and ambitious student. We wish him the best of luck at University. 


Governors Award For Sport 

Congratulations to Akshay. P  

Akshay has shown outstanding dedication to PE and school Sport from Year 7 to Year 13. He has consistently been a positive role model to his peers. He has made a huge contribution to both extra curricular sport and and sports leadership. I wish Akshay the best of luck at University. 

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate everyone who was not been mentioned and we look forward to seeing what you are all capable of achieving next year.