
Extended Day Program

Welcome to EDP!

It takes a village...

Tayler Bodio, Director

90 Concord Street, Ashland, MA 01721

Phone: 508-532-8060

The best way to contact the Director is via email which is monitored constantly throughout the day.  Someone is available by phone from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM during the school year. Summer Break - Send an email, and someone will get back to you ASAP.

The Ashland Extended Day Program is a self-supporting program offering enrichment experiences to children in Kindergarten through grade 6 who need supervised care when school is not in session. The program is governed by the Ashland Public Schools and a Parent Advisory Board.


    The possibilities for creativity within this program are limitless because, although the program falls under the aegis of the Ashland Public Schools, it is separate and enjoys a great deal of autonomy. The Superintendent of Schools, The Parent Advisory Board, and the parents of the children enrolled all have a great deal of optimism and high expectations for the program. This is an enrichment program, an opportunity for children to be nurtured and to learn to make mature choices while having good after-school fun with their schoolmates.  

    The focus of the Ashland Extended Day Program is not merely to continue the academic school day or to be an elaborate daycare.  The Extended Day Program will strive to help students acquire important decision-making skills by providing numerous activities to choose from without constantly imposing specific activities upon the entire group. These choices will increase in developmentally appropriate increments.

    The Extended Day Program offers unique after-school enrichment services to children and allows them to explore things they may not have the opportunity to do at home or can't do during the school day. Arts and crafts, non-competitive games, sports, storytelling, STEM, thematic units, cooking, music and theater, and field trips are all interwoven to provide the students with a wide variety of enjoyable and stimulating experiences in a warm and caring environment. Time is set aside for children wishing to read, do their homework, or play quietly. In addition, a variety of special clubs and offerings are made available such as ImagArena, Kickball League, Music and Movement, etc. Through such activities, students build up confidence in their skills; instead of feeling, "I can't", we want them to develop an attitude of "I'll try." At the beginning of each year, an effort will be made to determine the interests of the children and have activities that match these interests.


2024 - 2025 Wait List

All of our programs are currently full. To add your student to the waitlist for the '24-'25 school year, please use the form to the right. There is no fee associated with joining the waitlist. As a result, you can scan and email the application to the director. Additionally, applications can be mailed or delivered to Mindess EDP, 90 Concord Street, Ashland, MA. 

If you have any specific questions, please email the Director, Tayler Bodio at

Wait List Application 2024-2025.pdf


IMPORTANT DATES (approximate)

January 30, 2025 -  APS Parent Information Night - 6:30 PM

February 1, 2025 - Registration for Kindergarten begins with APS

February 3, 2025 - EDP Registration begins. Forms will not be accepted before this date.

February 14, 2025 - Deadline to register

February 15-23, 2025 - Late applications accepted

February 26, 2025 - Lottery drawing

March 3, 2025  - Email confirmation of registration spots sent home

March 10, 2025 - Enrollment packets mailed home

April 1, 2025 - Deadline to return enrollment packet

 2024-2025 Enrollment Packet Information - Kindergarten

English Spanish Portuguese

EDP - Kindergarten Registration Packet - English '24-'25.pdf
EDP - Kindergarten Registration Packet - Spanish '24-'25.pdf
EDP - Kindergarten Registration Packet - Portuguese '24-'25.pdf


IMPORTANT DATES (approximate)

February 5, 2024 - Registration begins for current students

February 16, 2024 - Deadline to register for current students

February 26, 2024 - Late applications accepted

March 4, 2024 - Wait list registration begins for new students

March 13, 2024 - Enrollment packets go home for students who receive a spot

April 12, 2024 - Deadline to return enrollment packet with the correct security deposit



"Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name,

And they're always glad you came…."