
Homework Expectations:

There will be no homework in Composition.

If you were absent in class, please check the bellow list of in-class assignments we have completed. 


Upper School Syllabus_7th comp

Upcoming due dates, Quizzes, Essays, and Exams

Mon: 18th Essay 5 final due

Wed: 20th end of quarter quiz

Week 1: 8/28

Mon: Read and sign syllabus. Due: 8/29

Tues: In class syllabus quiz

Wed/Thurs: In class ANI sheet

Fri: none

Week 2: 9/5

Essay 1 outline due by Friday

Week 3: 9/11

Final draft of essay 1 due by Wednesday

Week 4: 9/18

No homework

Week 5: 9/25

Tuesday: ANI sheet essay 2

Friday: Outline essay 2

Week 6: 10/2

Friday: Final draft of essay 2 due

Week 7: 10/9

In-class work:

Hansel and Gretel ANI sheet

Comparison practice sheet

Week 8: 10/16

In-class work:

Encomium practice sheet

Week 9: 10/23

In-class work:

Outline sheet

Precise verb sheet

Essay 3 first draft

Week 10: 10/30

In-class work:

Mon: Essay 3 due

Comparison: difference sheet

Essay 4 ANI sheet

Week 11: 11/6

In-class work:

Amplification practice 

Amplification sheet

Fri: 10: Essay 4 outline due

Week 12: 11/13

In-class work:

Tues: Parallelism sheet

Fri: 17: Essay 4 final due

Week 13: 11/27

In-class work:

Mon 27: finish Essay 4

Fri: Finish definition worksheet 

Week 14: 11/10

In-class work:

Week 15: 11/10

In-class work:

comparison sheet

anthesis sheet practice

antithesis sheet


Week 16: 11/18

In-class work:

essay 5 final draft

end of quarter quiz