The purpose of Māori Netball is to promote "oranga whānau - whānau ora" to Māori women and their families using netball as the vehicle.

"Mai i te kōpu o te whaea ki te kōpu o te whenua - From the womb of the mother to the womb of mother earth"

- Kahurangi June Mariu, DNZM, QSM, JP

Aotea is currently one of ten Māori netball regions (waka) who promote the aims and aspirations of the Aotearoa Māori Netball Oranga Healthy Lifestyles (AMNOHL) Trust.

Aotearoa Māori Netball Oranga Healthy Lifestyles Trust (AMNOHL)

Aotearoa Māori Netball Oranga Healthy Lifestyle (AMNOHL) Trust was established under the auspices of the Māori Women's Welfare League (MWWL).

The League's Dominion President 1987-1990, Dame June Hinekahukura Mariu, lead the initiative as her commitment to making a healthy lifestyle difference for Māori women and their families using netball as the vehicle of change.

Click the button to visit our National Māori Netball (AMNOHL) website to find out more about the kaupapa.

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