Volunteer WITH US


We're so excited you are interested in serving alongside us! Please take a look at this page, which highlights some of the opportunities.  And let us know what you are interested in by filling out this Volunteer Interest Form.  The Volunteer Interest Form provides you a way to indicate interest in the roles listed below as well as some other opportunities.  It helps us keep all of our interest in one centralized place and lets us notify you when an opportunity arises.  Questions?  Contact Parent Ministry at parentministry@adventures.org. 


World Race Launch Volunteer 

Serve as "host" and answer questions from new parents.


Help with meal prep and service when we host training camps and other events on campus.  (Lodging can be provided and some assistance with travel may be available for those able to help for several days.)


Parent Vision Trip Facilitator 

Lead or assist with Parent Vision Trips.

Lead Short Term Mission Trips 

Every year we send short term (1-2 week) teams to both domestic and international locations.  These include youth, family, adult, church group, relief efforts and more.  


Parent Navigator 

Encourage a particular group of World Race or Gap Year parents on Facebook pages as they navigate their Racer's journey and their own journey.


Serve together as a married couple and hold a pastoral role for a World Race Squad; provide spiritual supervision and direction to the Squad by the leading of the Holy Spirit.  This role is limited to married couples serving together, who have the flexibility to be travel 4-5 weeks per year.  Your travel expenses are covered.

B E T T Y  M E A N S   7 7 0 . 7 4 4 . 4 5 4 2 


A D V E N T U R E S   I N  M I S S I O N S  7 7 0 . 9 8 3 . 1 0 6 0
