Behavior at Naquag - PBIS

Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

This is a research based, data driven program that helps bring about school-wide improvements in both behavior and learning. In order for it to work the way it is supposed to, all adults in the building need to be on board. It is an extensive program that is best implemented in stages. Below are a few of the basic ideas behind PBIS, our first stage of implementation, and a preview of what is to come.

Basic Ideas:

-If undesirable behaviors are taken out of the equation, we can get into the serious business of teaching and learning.

-How do we get undesirable behaviors out of the way? It seems silly to start out at such a basic level but not everybody has the same idea of what good behavior is. Part of the PBIS program is to make sure that we all have the same rules/expectations, use a common language for conveying these rules/expectations, and teach the kids what the rules/expectations are.

-A series of short lessons and role plays will be developed to show the students what good behavior looks like in the classroom, halls, bathrooms, cafeteria, playground, etc… These lessons are taught on the first few days of school, re-taught in an abbreviated form after each vacation as a refresher, and periodically throughout the year, as needed.

-PBIS places an emphasis on positive reinforcement, incentives, and rewards. Much like the read-a-thon these rewards can be earned individually, as a class, and as a school. There are several layers of incentives for good behavior which we will get into as we reach later stages of implementation. As a side note, there are also some adult incentives and rewards (like the “Drops in the Bucket” that we’ve already started).

-As a starting point, the PBIS program at Naquag will begin by introducing a school motto and daily pledge that connects to it. Please plan to introduce the motto the first week of school, start a discussion with the students about what it means, and start the daily pledge ASAP.

-Start the school wide lessons on what good behavior looks like in the classroom, hallways, recess, bathrooms, cafeteria, etc…

-Start a “Naquag Buck” based economy for good behavior. A menu on items to purchase will be developed and a student store will be opening by the end of September.

-Feel welcome to use the “Naquag Bucks” economy in your own classroom - include your own incentives.

School Motto:

We respect LOOP! (Learning, Ourselves, Others, and Property)

Daily Pledge: (Recited after the Pledge of Allegiance)

We pledge that each and every day we will respect learning, we will respect ourselves, we will respect others, and we will respect property.