
At college of commerce, Department of   International commerce, I teach the Course(s) below:

1. Investment and International Financial market in English third stage of International Commerce.

2. principle of economics in English first stage of International Commerce.

3. Readings in Banking and Finance

My Philosophy in Teaching

I believe that all students should be taught in  a fashion way and giving them the knowledge. My main goal is helping them to learn and enhance them to depend on themselves in term of learning. Each student has particular style to learning hence, I believe in varied instruction for differing skill levels. Indeed, I will help them to discover themselves , through having their (decisions, idea and opinions) in the life.

Department of International Commerce) Course

1- principle of economics

Stage: first stage

Classroom: hall 10

No. of Students: 45

Investment and International financial market :

stage :Third 

classroom hall:  8

No. of students: 35

 Readings in Banking and Finance

stage :Second 

classroom hall:  2

No. of students: 14