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Adams, Kyle

Identification of Microsatellite DNA Markers for use in Parentage Analysis of Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander)

Appert, Ian P.

The Fight against Modern Day Slavery: Supply Chain Transparency in the United States and United Kingdom

Askew-Moore, Mydison

Detection of the Mole Salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum) in Aquatic Habitats using Environmental DNA


Becker, Cassandra

Assessing Water Chemistry in Hot Springs, NC to Map the Shady Dolomite Formation

Brasseur, Todd J.

Helping conservationists easily identify Sarracenia purpurea var. montana, S. jonesii, and their hybrids in the field

Brewer-Jensen, Torin

Environmental Influences on the Timing and Duration of Entry into a Chimney Swift Communal Roost

Butler, Zuria

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Biological Artifact Collection Management


Cameron, Gabriela Rose

Chutzpah or Cheesy: A Look into Antisemitism and Musical Theater

Carey, Jillian

Ancient Thought on Gender Equality

Carson, Madison

Tracking Box Turtles and Promoting Turtle Citizen Science

Choate, Jamie

Understanding Empathy and Mental Health

Cole, Christopher

Role of Microfinance Institutions in Farm System Resilience: A Case Study of Agroamigo in the Northeast Region of Brazil

Coleman, Andrew

Utilizing an Ensemble Feed Forward Neural Network to Reduce 24 – Hour Weather Forecast Error

Cromer, Lyn

Total Precipitable Water as It Relates to Hailstone Diameter and Its Potential for Improving Hailstone Diameter Forecasting


Dadson, Bryson

Effects of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Mammal Activity in Western North Carolina

DePaolis, Danielle

Sink Your Teeth In: The Influence of Two Physically Identifiable Snakes on Ancient Egyptian Serpent Depictions

Duenas, Emily

Populism and the Pandemic: A Cross-National Analysis of Coronavirus Responses


Edwards, I.R.

Distribution and Environmental Characteristics of Neustonic Animals

Evans, Jacob

Locations of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in a Convective Storm


Flynn, Andrew

Developing Genetic Tools for Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb.) Populations

Fox, Jessica

Folk Music: Socially Sound


Gelder, John

Functionalism to Fine Art: Analyzing the Balance of Tradition and Innovation in Dongyang Woodcarving

Gill, Devon

The President’s Day in Court: How The Supreme Court Checks Executive Power

Gobel, Chloe

Lessons From Older Brother

Gohn, Eric

Structural Strain and the 2014 Ferguson Uprising

Griffin, Anitra



Hall, Kelsey

Conducting a Greenhouse Gas Inventory of the UNC Asheville Campus and Operations

Hall, Mel

Stitching Life Together: 18th Century New England Embroidery as the Creation and Process of Female Experience

Hanson, Camille

Under Pressure: Incumbent Advertising Strategies in Unpopular Times

Harrington, Eve

Undocumented Contributions: A Study of Mexican Immigrants in the United States Labor Force

Hart, Allison

What Medieval Monsters Tell Us: A Comparative Analysis of European Medieval Representation and Its Impact on Contemporary Video Game Art

Hartless, Chad

Energy Recycling & Craft Beer: Limits & Prosperity

Hedges, Jared

Considering Populism: Ancient, Modern, and Absolute

Helms, Sonny

Flesh Meet Body: An Exploration of the Use of the Grotesque Aesthetic by Contemporary Female Artists

Hemingway, Steven

Semi-Presidentialism: Vice or Virtue?

Hernandez, Emeli

Bye Bye Babushka: Female Russian Artists’ Understanding of the Modern World

Hill, Andy

Comparing the Performances of Neural Network Architectures on Short- Range Weather Forecasts

Hillegass, Kristen

Potential for Hybridization between Sarracenia Species in Sympatry

Hudson, Blake

“Amnistía” o Amnesia: The Regime a Country was Told to Forget

Hudson, Blake

A Description and Analysis of a Chimney Swift Roost Network in Urban Southern Appalachia



Jefferson, Christian

Submerged in the Virtual: Religious Embodiment in Virtual Space

Johnson, Isabel

Effects of Water Temperature on Fish Distribution in the Swannanoa River Watershed

Using Genetic Data to Determine the Origins of a Potential Introduced Population of Mottled Sculpin (Cottus bairdii) Across the Eastern Continental Divide Near Asheville, NC

Judge, Madison

Pigment of the Imagination: How Color Accessibility Affects Contemporary Art Practice


Keller, Elena

Safer Together Linkages to Care: A Prisoner Reentry Preliminary Program Evaluation

Keller, Tyler

The Effects of the 2008 Financial Crisis on Immigrant Cohorts Looking into Housing Ownership and Dwelling Characteristics


Lapkoff, Megan

Modeling the Impacts of Stream Incision on Water Levels in a Southern Appalachian Fen

Losskarn, Isabella

Women Painting Women: Empowerment and Exploration in Artworks from the Renaissance Era to the Mid-Twentieth Century


Mashewski, Joshua

Analysis of the Aspect Ratios of Tremolite and Anthophyllite/Talc Grains in Mine Tailings and Products

Maurer, Gillian

A Contemporary Exploration of Fairy Tales and Social Identity Through Visual Language

Maybury, Nora

Histoire cachée: le décret Crémieux et la littérature française

McClusky, Courtney

Female Labor Supply Shocks in the United States: Southeast Asian Women’s Impact on the US Female Labor Supply

McFadyen, Finlay

“To what extent does the change to a Trump administration affect the academic quality of international undergraduate applicants to the United States?”

McKee, Mikal

Influence of Permeable Cells on Hyporheic Flow in Restored Streams

Mino, Fredi R.

Training a Convolutional Neural Network to Classify Motor Imagery EEG Signals for Brain-Computer Interface Applications

Monteiro, Tallis

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Petroleum Extraction in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Implications and Remediation Strategies

Moses, Sarah

Tyrosine Phosphorylation Dependent Mechanisms in the G12/13 Subfamily



Olawuni, Pelumi David

Creating and Investigating a Deletion Mutant in Staphylococcus aureus MarR-family Regulator MgrA

Overby, Morgan

Sacrosanct Sand Castles: A Dissection of Innocence


Palmer, Richard Joseph

Ancient Greek Weaving, Experimental Archeology on Greek Textiles and Household GDP.

Democracy and Voting from Athens to New Echota.

Patel, Siddhi

The Impact of Community Gardens and Public Art on Health and Wellbeing

Peek, Keeley

Modeling Home Ranges of Turks Island Boas (Chilabothrus chrysogaster) on Big Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands Using Three Mathematical Models

Perkins, Molly

The Effect of Rhododendron on Soils and Foliar Characteristics of a Wintergreen Perennial Herb

Poulin, Ezra

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Children’s Physical Activity and Well Being

Pressley, Benjamin

Effects of Exit Channel Variants on Proton Translocation in E. coli ATP Synthase



Radulovic, Emma

Analysis of a Recently Restored Appalachian Wetland

Raya, Ibet

Pose: Representation and Awareness of the Afro-American and Latinx LGBTQ Communities in the Ballroom Scene and the Stigmatization of People with HIV/AIDS

Reeve, Jesse

Downstream: An Open-Source Vehicle Routing Solution

Rice, Noah

Characterizing Population Genetic Markers for Sochan (Rudbeckia laciniata L., Asteraceae) to Ensure Sustainable Harvest within the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Rothenberg, Maggie

Spiritual Health, Locus of Control, and Perception of Stress Effects on College Students


Samadhi, Soma

Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking In Minnesota: A Geographic Analysis

Settman, Aiden

Pregnant People Who Inject Illicit Drugs: Stigmatization From Emergency Room Nurses

Shamel, Danielle

The Quality of Life of Muslim Immigrants After the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

Shumate, Jacob

Evaluation of Amino Acid Methyl Ester Substituted Pseudopyronine Derivatives

Simms, Lauren

Interrogating Educational Inequities: An Analysis of White Perceptions of the Opportunity Gap in Asheville, NC

Sloop, Kennedy

The Ancient Mind and Cultural Evolution: Allegories of the Agricultural Revolution in Gilgamesh and Genesis

Smith, Scout

Determination of microsatellite loci to be used for parentage analysis in Ambystoma annulatum.

Starbird, Addie

Playful Skeletons: The Use of Skeletal Imagery as Seen in Michele Melcher’s and other Contemporary Artists’ Work

Stokes, Cecelia

Effects of Grassy Bald Management on Plant Community Composition within The Roan Mountain Massif

Svetlov, Ruth

Monitoring Turbidity and Sediment Flux for Enka Lake

Swan-Sullivan, Uniya

Frida Kahlo and Ana Mendieta: Disrupting the Male Gaze with Symbols of Blood and Hair

Sykes, Tabor

Invertebrate Gα12/13 chimeras show selective binding to RhoGEFs while retaining growth signaling


Tysiac, Ashley

The Office: Humorous Fake Realism Created Through Mockumentary Conventions



Vanerelli, Alyssa

Complete Protein Coding Mitochondrial Genomes of 13 West Indian Boas

Van Manen, Linnea

Assessing Green Roof Benefits for Pollinators

Vetter, Timber

To Restore or Not, a Tale of Two Sites: The Frauenkirche and Gur-i Amir


Walters, Lauren

Essential and Extinguished: Burnout in Elementary School Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Watson, Eliza

The Role of a Gα12-Interacting Domain in p114RhoGEF Signaling Function

Wilkinson, Jake

Covalent Inhibition of Quorum Sensing in Biofilms

Wilson, Rosemary

A Pilot Study of Psychological Trauma’s Manifestations in the Body: The Mediating Role of Interoception on Alexithymia, Hyperarousal, and Depressive Symptoms



Young, Sara

Gα12 and Gα13 disrupt PTP1B binding to the cadherin-catenin complex