
Current Traditions

Baritone Rules:

1. Don't die. (duh)

2. Body before horn (unless it conflicts with rule one).  

3. No intra-section dating unless the two members are GUARANTEED to get married.

Super Section:

Years ago, when the band was smaller, the Baritone, Mellophone, and Tenor Saxophone sections were too small individually to constitute their own sections.  So, the three were combined to become Super Section!  As each grew larger and independent of the others, the official connection faded, but the social bond remains strong.  Each year, Super Section makes an effort to hang out; from meals during spat camp, to sharing a tour bus during trips, to the occasional Super Section party, you can rest easy knowing Super Section will continue strong year after year.


Baritone tights were first introduced by the 2010 section as they required green tights to perform the Robin Hood “Men in Tights” dance in front of the band. The tights were then used as gameday tights in order to look stylish and help ward off the Minnesota cold.  The Robin Hood dance was performed again in 2012 by the baritones in front of the band. In 2014 the green tights were out of stock in some sizes and so gold tights were purchased to honor the gophers.

After the tights changed color to gold, they became an essential part of the baritone gameday wardrobe.  Baritone members can be easily spotted before donning their full uniform as they wear bright gold tights the morning before games. Today, gameday tights are maroon, to better match the pants of the uniform.

Human Hungry Hungry Hippos:

Human Hungry Hungry Hippos is exactly what it sounds like and is typically played during or after spat camp. This event helps the rookies get to know the vets and vice versa with a fun competitive team game.

The Pew:

In the marching band area in the hallway near the men’s locker room there sits a church pew. This was claimed by the baritones in 2011 as the place to congregate before rehearsals or performances. It works well as a social area where people can get in the band mood by just chilling with the other baritones. The flutes in 2013 started to use the other portion of the hallway as their spot (baritones are just the cool trend setters no big deal). We are willing to share our spot and make friends to keep up the family feel of the band.

Baritone Tuba Caroling:

Around finals week, near winter break, the baritones and tubas of the marching band gather to play Holiday tunes around campus. Popular stops include superblock, Coffman Memorial Union, and ending with singing Hail Minnesota on the steps of Northrop Auditorium.

Sweaty Brian's:

Every Iowa game (or later in the season when the rookies think the weirdest part has ended), the Baritone Vets get together and make pancakes for the whole section to commemorate Floyd of Rosedale and Sweaty Brian, who one day came to band with pancakes for the whole section.

Mac & Cheese Night:

On certain nights, the section gets together to make mac and cheese and hang out. The hosts provide milk and butter, and attendees bring the boxed mac. In 2016, the baritone section got together and threw a full-band mac and cheese. This tradition continues to this day.


Another bowl game tradition, the baritones stack their cases upon getting to rehearsal in order to resemble "Stonehenge". It is a really amazing way to kill time while waiting for a bowl game rehearsal to begin.

Choose a Row:

Once a year during the University's convocation to welcome the newest class, one member of the section chooses a row in Ridder Arena and sits in every seat within that row, no matter how long it takes it gets done.

Baritone Block M and Oink Hat Committee:

Every year at the state fair parade, the band arrives early to warm up and secure a spot in the parade. During this time, every section has a creative way to display their instrument on the curb of Underwood Street, outside of the Horticulture building. The baritone section displays their instruments in the shape of a Block M. After they are set up, five members of the section make a journey to the Oink Booth to collect pig ears for everyone in the section; these five make up the "Oink Hat Committee".

Wisconsin Rank Treats:

Every time the Gophers play Wisconsin at home, the rank treat is brought in by the seniors, and consists of raw onions that are historically also offered to the drum major, block captain, band director, Skeeter, and more. There are also other produce-based rank treats available should someone not be interested in eating a raw onion.