Jacob's House

This page needs to be edited after the New Google Sites messed it up.

Summary and objectives of the project:

An entrance garden was designed and planted for a local non-profit hospital hospitality house. The primary objective was to create a landscape that was not only water wise and low maintenance but also a lush garden rich in texture and color that would contribute to the comfort and serenity so needed by hospitality house guests who have a family member hospitalized nearby, suffering a traumatic medical event. A secondary objective was to provide a demonstration garden to give information and inspiration on ways local homeowners might modify their own gardens to conserve water, reduce maintenance, encourage pollinators, and create a pleasing and sustainable outdoor environment.

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TVGC thanks Waterwise Botanicals for their donation of many, many plants

and the planting of those plants at Jacob's House.


Planting Day at Jacob's House - August 18, 2016

Plants are set out

Dig a hole

Put plant in hole

Sometimes it take a jackhammer

There was a variety of plants

Some TVGC members came for planting day--but they didn't plant!

Susan Puma, TVGC, coordinated this project

Linda Meija is Executive Director of Jacob's House

The plants are planted and mulched

How fast will these plants grow?

In October 2016, we received this email from Jacob's House along with an invitation to attend the Ribbon Cutting event:

Dear Temecula Valley Garden Club:

We are SO very excited to tell you our BEAUTIFUL Waterwise Garden is growing and finished! The TEMECULA VALLEY GARDEN CLUB with the professional guidance, supervision, and coordination by PUMA LANDSCAPE DESIGN, has helped us achieve this wonderful gift for our guest families to enjoy, for years to come! THANK YOU for choosing Jacob's House for your generous donation of time, expertise, funding, and moral support. A beautiful plaque is being ordered for the unveiling and we want to be sure you are aware your Club name will be on the recognition plaque to be installed amongst the beauty of our new garden!


Linda Mejia, Executive Director Jacob’s House

Jacob’s House Community Project Ribbon Cutting - November 15, 2016

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony by both Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce

and Murrieta Chamber of Commerce

Placing Plaque

Representatives of the Chambers