Grading Expectations

Grading Expectations


1- Comprehension 30% : Grammar and culture quizzes

English quizzes will be closed notebook. Culture, Spanish and French quizzes will all be open notebook.

2.- Production 50% : Tests/Projects on Grammar and culture

The majority of the exams in this class are open notebook. All projects are oral presentations and will be conducted with a visual and WITHOUT the use of notes.

3- Responsibilities 20% : Self-management

- Student is a responsible, participatory member of the class

Ø Students are active participants in the classroom and do everything possible to prepare themselves for the lesson and to be successful in this course.

( Class preparedness: organization, study, and bring necessary materials)

Note: An assignment can count for more than one competency

>Homework Expectations: This will vary from class to class (see INDIVIDUAL COURSE FOR MORE INFO). However, in general I am a firm believer that homework is meant for practice and should typically not exceed more than 30 min/day a few days per week. However practice will vary for each student, and should it be taking longer than 45 minutes to an hour to complete, the student should be seeking extra help.

*****VOCABULARY (via flashcards or on an ipod/iphone app) should be studied nightly (approx 5-10 min) until the words are learned both from Spanish to English and English to Spanish.