Dorothy Burt


As blogging became an important part of how our students shared their work we realised that we needed school-wide systems and policies in place to ensure this rich record of each individual learner was preserved from year to year.

A teacher 'doing their own blogging thing' with a class is not an option if the student's online work is to be preserved and collated from year to year.

We set up this Google Site as a place to refer to for simple ideas about blogging through to complex management systems and protocols.

A recent edition has been this series of videos and instructions on how to efficiently set up multiple blogs for individual students - not only across a school but also across a cluster.

Google Apps for Education Summits

We have just held the first GAFE Summit in NZ on October 9th with about 350 Educators attending.

Next year we hope to hold a 2 day Summit in Auckland.

Check out all the fabulous resources from the 2012 Summit here

Check out the tips and sound bites shared by the attendees via Twitter here

Awesome Resource Collection to check out


Dorothy had the amazing opportunity to become a Google Certified Teacher in 2008 at the MountainView GTA in California. She is currently the Professional Development co-ordinator for the Manaiakalani Cluster of Year 1-13 schools in Auckland, NZ. The Manaiakalani Schools are implementing a 1:1 initiative in a mostly Maori and Pasifika community, and are excited to see fully engaged, digitally literate students making the most of the opportunities to learn, create and share. The Manaiakalani Schools all use Google Apps for Education to build effective Managed Learning Environments and were the first schools to implement the Teacher Dashboard to support this. The last four years of research show the turnaround in student engagement and achievement outcomes resulting from this.

Dorothy is also the eLearning Team Leader at Pt England School where she discovered a passion for producing television, multimedia and podcasts. She has presented at the Sydney GTA, ISTE, the Education Project in Bahrain and many other conferences throughout Aotearoa, NZ. She is a CoreEd eFellow and an Apple Distinguished Educator.

Contact Information

Twitter (personal): @dorothyjburt

Twitter (student blogs): @clusternz


Google+: dorothyjburt


Blog: Manaiakalani