Athletic Physicals

Nevada R-5 Athletics

MSHSAA Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation

MSHSAA Pre-Participation Documentation -- Annual Requirements

NRMC Free Physicals Information

Participants must bring: 

--glasses/contacts normally worn for vision

--the physical evaluation form (above) -- Please complete the personal and history information, sign, date and return to the nurse's office, or bring with you to the free physical night. The physical exam will not take place without the physical examination form signed by parent/guardian and student. 

Free Athletic Physicals for NMS and NHS Athletes
May 22, 2024
Starting at 5:00 PM 
Held at Truman Elementary School

Doors open at 4:30 PM
5:00-6:15 PM Incoming Grades 10, 11 and 12
6:15-7:30 PM Incoming Grades 7, 8 and 9