Keynote Speaker & Sponsors

Spring 2018 - WQED Education

Fall 2017 - Announced Soon!

Spring 2017

Timothy is a writer, educator, and pundit of hip-hop culture and youth development. Timothy is a lecturer and Hip-Hop Scholar in Residence at Teachers College, Columbia University.His writing credits include contributions to the anthologies, “Be a Father” and “Souls of my Brothers.” Timothy was one of the founders of The Cultural Initiative Inc., which developed and implemented the Annual Hip-Hop Conference at Howard University from 1991-1996. Timothy’s commitment to youth and hip-hop development are evident through his work as a workshop developer developing hip-hop based programming for after school programs and schools throughout the Washington Metropolitan Area and beyond. For the past 20 plus years, Timothy has been working at Martha’s Table, a community-based organization in Washington DC. Timothy has been an innovator in the integration of Hip-Hop Pedagogy and Youth Development as pillars in establishing after-school and summer programs for middle and high school students. The youth in Timothy’s programs are engaged in projects and activities that develop their 4Cs creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills that can be used in any academic, social and professional setting.Timothy is the Chief Visionary Officer of #HipHopEd and the curator and moderator for the weekly “Cyber Cypher” twitter chat presenting timely discussions on education, hip-hop and youth development that serve as professional development for educators, parents, practitioners, and youth. Timothy is a Hip-Hop Ambassador and curriculum resource contributor for #ScienceGenius, a hip-hop and science education initiative.

Timothy is an ordained minister at The Believers Worship Center in Maryland. As a Minister and Hip-Hop Pundit, Timothy has created Lyrics and Scriptures which is an approach to engaging youth and adults in activities and discussions around the intersections of spirituality and popular culture. Timothy is a graduate of Howard University with a BBA in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting and is married with two children

EdcampPGH Sponsers & Prizes