
I am happy to announce a great educational opportunity and musical experience! At the beginning of the school year we will be offering elementary choir for our fourth and fifth grade students. I recommend you now discuss the possibility of this extra-curricular activity with your child.

I will briefly attempt to answer as many questions as possible. However, please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions.

Who is eligible? The elementary choir is available to any third, fourth and fifth grade student. There is no audition and no experience is required! In our class times we will learn how to properly sing and will have many opportunities to showcase their talent.

When is choir? Choir will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays before school (7:30-8AM).

What about concerts? We will have at least two concerts - one in December and one in April. These concerts are required and will be scheduled and communicated well in advance of the concert date. As parents you will not believe how quickly your child’s skill level will develop.  Other choir opportunities will include singing at school programs, such as our Veteran’s Day program and our salute to First Responders.  In the past, the choir has also performed a “Christmas Tour” where the choir will be dismissed from the school day and we will sing at five or six local nursing homes.

What is my financial obligation? The only costs for choir will be $5 to purchase a T-Shirt.  More information will be provided at a later date.  However, please do not allow this fee to deter your child from joining!

Again, I am excited that Heath Elementary can provide this great opportunity for your child. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.