A&P Unit 6: Skeletal System

Chp 6A Skeletal System
Skull, Sinuses, Vertebrae
Chp 6D Hormones, Joints, Skeletal Regions
Chp 6C Healing Bone
Chp 6B Bone

Opportunity for Bonus Points!!! (These instructions are in attachments below, too.)

Advanced Biology

Case Study 1

1) Navigate to the McGraw-Hill website from Mr. Cochran’s web page.

2) Enter the “Student Edition” and click on “Case Studies.”

3) Click on “Sandmire Case Studies” and go to “Case History 5: Fractured Leg.”

4) Read the narrative and record your responses in the boxes.

5) When you are satisfied with your responses, print the page.

6) You may turn it in for 10 bonus points.