
If you wish to contact a faculty member, please enter their voice mailbox number when dialing the school at (603) 624-6378 or click on their address below to send them an e-mail message.

Teacher Name Voice Mail E-Mail Address

Bales, Matthew 2213 mbales@mansd.org

Fronk, Daniel dfronk@mansd.org

Garner, Andre agarner@mansd.org

Guimond, Leanne lguimond@mansd.org

Maddox, Barbara A. 2240 bmaddox@mansd.org

Makara, Elaine 2240 emakara@mansd.org

McMillan, Brenda 2312 bmcmillan@mansd.org

Michaud, Tara K. 2247 tmichaud@mansd.org

Michie, Alan J. 2277 amichie@mansd.org

Normandin, Jeffery E. 2293 jnormandin@mansd.org

Peterson, Meg mpeterson@mansd.org

Shidlovsky, Kendra E. 2311 kshidlovsky@mansd.org

Wentz, Mark C. 2231 mwentz@mansd.org