Social Studies

"Those who can not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." by George Santayana

I believe strongly in teaching the common themes in humanity, so that the youth can learn from them and hopefully, improve upon the world. 

Portrait of a Graduate 

Priority Standards Spreadsheet and Proficiency Scales

State Standards pg 86 

Disciplinary Literacy: 


In seventh grade we teach the eastern hemisphere from ancient civilization to modern day.

Each unit is based upon a state standard. The rubric for the unit uses Depth of Knowledge to build the skills to reach the standard. 

In 7th grade, we use the Pearson My World Colorado. We also access The Nystrom Atlas of World History, History Alive!, Geography Alive!, and Document Based Questions as supplementary material on occasion. 

A link to the Opt In/Opt Out procedures located on the district website


Websites of importance: