Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Nutritional Approaches to Irritable Bowel Diseases

Crohn's Disease, Diverticulitis, Colitis, Spastic Colon

Is there stress in America today? The American Medical Association states that Americans are under stress 97% of the time! And, in fact, they also contend that 100% of all degenerative disease is directly related to the stress in our bodies!

Can you believe it? We now have a product available to you that will not only relieve your stress and the bad effect it has on your body; but also will also increase your alertness and give you more energy! You might consider adding Stress Relief Complex® to your wellness regimen. It just makes good sense!

What happens when we are under constant stress? The short-term consequences of stress are headaches, anxiety, shoulder and neck pain, and irritable bowel disease, among other symptoms. Stress also reduces levels of a brain neurotransmitter called norepinephrine. This results in feelings of anxiety and nervousness. Stress also causes the body to overproduce cortisol. This has significant long-term health consequences.

Prolonged elevation of cortisol damages every organ in our body leading to depressed immune function, memory loss, heart disease, high blood pressure, elevated blood glucose levels, osteoporosis, and many other degenerative disease processes. Stress not only makes you feel bad, it is a killer.

Shaklee's Stress Relief Complex is a completely unique approach to stress relief. It contains the amino acids L-theanine and L-tyrosine, the plant sterol beta-sitosterol, and the Ayurvedic herb ashwaganda. The L-theanine stimulates alpha-wave production in the brain. Unlike kava and most anti-stress medications, which have sedative effects, L-theanine leaves you feeling relaxed and alert at the same time! L-tyrosine restores normal levels of norepinephrine in the brain. This reduces anxiety and leaves you feeling calm and relaxed. Ashwaganda is a natural adaptogen and has been used for stress relief in India for generations. Beta-sitosterol blunts the cortisol overproduction, thus reducing the long-term consequences of stress. Shaklee's clinical studies show that this product works. People using the product feel calmer and more relaxed while maintaining full alertness. This often ! occurs within 30-60 minutes. More importantly, this is the only stress product on the market that both relieves stress and reduces the long-term health consequences of stress.


  • Stress Relief Complex offers nutritional support to help you quickly relax and stay calm without drowsiness.* Stress Relief Complex contains a unique blend of natural ingredients that provide quick relief from tension while promoting alertness.*
  • Promotes relaxation without drowsiness.* L-theanine, a naturally occurring amino acid found in green tea, facilitates the generation of alpha waves that are associated with a relaxed yet alert mental state.*
  • Enhances the body’s ability to adapt to continuing stress.* Ashwagandha, an Ayurvedic herb traditionally used to enhance the body’s ability to adapt to stress.*
  • Helps you avoid the effects of stress on long-term health by blunting the cortisol response to stress.* Beta-Sitosterol, a natural plant sterol, helps to blunt the response of cortisol, a hormone produced during physical stress.* Chronically high cortisol levels have a negative association with good long-term health.
  • Helps make norepinephrine, which is involved in mood regulation.*

L-tyrosine is an amino acid used by the body to make the neurotransmitter

norepinephrine.* Studies suggest that norepinephrine levels may decline with stress.

· Unique approach to help you quickly relax; enhances your body’s ability to adapt to stress while promoting long-term health.*

· Unique blend of premium ingredients that support a calm, relaxed state without drowsiness during times of everyday stress, while promoting alertness.*

· Relaxation, alertness, better concentration and relief from tension experienced by users.*

· Proven safety with clinically studied and traditionally used ingredients. (Does not contain kava.)

· Combines the best of nature and science.

· 100% Shaklee Guaranteed

· Who should use Stress Relief Complex? Stress Relief Complex is the ideal product for anyone who is under stress and would like to feel calmer and more relaxed. It is the only product on the market that will allow you to relieve stress and actually feel more alert at the same time. It is also the only product that gives you short-term stress relief and also reduces the long-term health consequences of stress.


L-theanine In one study with young women, L-theanine appeared to produce a relaxed and alert state by having the greatest impact on the intensity of alpha waves among the women categorized as high-anxiety responders.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Laboratory studies and centuries of safe use have demonstrated ashwagandha’s adaptogenic properties, including its ability to enhance performance during stress.

Beta-Sitosterol A recent study suggested that beta-sitosterol had a positive effect on immune function in marathon runners, in addition to blunting the subjects’ cortisol levels.

L-Tyrosine In a number of human studies, fairly high intakes of the amino acid L-tyrosine were found to lessen the impact of environmental stressors such as extreme cold, loud noises, or sleep deprivation on the performance of subjects. Environmental conditions often lead to stress or anxiety.

Calcium Magnesium

Often referred to as natural muscle relaxants, these minerals may help prevent the muscles that comprise the walls of the intestinal tract from spasms...and thus reduce the diarrhea and cramping usually associated with IBS. (2 per meal)

Other Nutritional Support

B Complex

Because most intestinal problems are often associated with stress,

B vitamins are essential for restoring the nutrients that stress depletes. Regulates digestive hormone production. Enhances energy production and nervous system function in cells.

Vitamin E + (contains Grapeseed extract - powerful antioxidant)

Vitamin E has long been considered to be a nutrient that promotes healing ... both of inflamed tender tissue as well as sear tissue, often formed as a result of IBS.

GLA Plus

Many IBS conditions are aggravated by inflammation in the tissues in the lower intestines. CLA (gamma linolenic acid) is an essential fatty acid that has properties of being a natural anti-inflammatory. May be used alone or in combination with the omega-3 fatty acid EPA (in 3-to- I ratio of EPA to GLA) if the inflammation persists.

Vitamin C, 500 mg

To strengthen the immune system and promote healing of the tissues. Powerful immune stimulant as well as an anti-oxidant. Virtually every body function benefits from an adequate level of vitamin C.

Optiflora System

An excellent source of the essential friendly bacteria that are supposed to inhabit the lower intestines. Virtually the only acidophilus/bifidus product that guarantees delivery of 500,000 live microorganisms to the intestines, without being destroyed by the highly acidic environment of the stomach. Restores the natural balance that must exist in the lower intestines to choke out the cancer-causing bacteria as well as Candida yeast overgrowths.

None of the products available at health food stores guarantee live delivery of micro flora to the intestine. Tests show that many of them do not make it live to your door, much less to your colon. Most of the micro flora alive in these products at the time of manufacture are killed off long before they reach the intestine.

Fiber Plan Daily Mix, 9.5 ounces

Fiber Plan Tablets, 90 tablets

When the tissues have healed and swelling has been reduced, then

slowly reintroduce fiber with any of these gentle, convenient fiber sources.

Vita-Lea Multivitamin and Multimineral Dietary Supplement

When diarrhea occurs, food passes through the body so rapidly that it is difficult to absorb nutrients. A multiple vitamin/mineral supplement contains cofactors and coenzymes that enhance protein utilization.

Cinch Plan Protein - Lactose Free -

Powerful nutrient especially for energy building and repairing damage to cells. Help in blood sugar stabilizing. Provides building blocks for rapid recovery. Prevents irritation from allergens for those with certain forms of colitis.