JROTC is a different kind of course that is fun and interesting.  This sheet will explain some of the things that make it unique. 

WHAT IS ARMY JROTC?  The Army JROTC Program is a full credit elective program which provides interesting classroom instruction combined with the opportunity to:  serve the school and community; participate in extra-curricular activities; enjoy social programs; and have the desiring to do so, JROTC may be substituted for the PE courses required for graduation. 

WHAT EXACTLY IS TAUGHT IN CLASS?  The Army JROTC curriculum includes such topics as citizenship, U.S. Military History, first-aid, human relations, military map reading, techniques of communication, drill and ceremony, physical fitness, and time management.  We DO NOT teach war fighting skills! 

IS THERE ANY TYPE OF SERVICE OBLIGATION?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  There is no obligation of any kind for future service in the armed forces.  We recognize that most students are not interested in entering the military after high school.  There is no requirement to continue to higher levels of JROTC or ROTC in college. 

WHO INSTRUCTS JROTC?  JROTC instructors are retired military officers and non-commissioned officers.  They are school faculty members who are also certified by the Army to teach JROTC. 

WHAT DOES JROTC COST?  Costs for course materials, uniforms, supplies and equipment are paid by the military or the school.  Costs for personal items (undergarments) and such things as meals on field trips must be paid by the student.  Students are responsible for care and cleaning of their uniforms, which will require dry cleaning the uniform approximately once per month, and purchase of shoe polish and metal polish. 

ARE BOTH BOYS AND GIRLS ENROLLED?  Yes.  Enrollment in JROTC averages about 50% boys and 50% girls. 

WILL JROTC STUDENTS HAVE TO WEAR A UNIFORM?  JROTC students are required to wear uniforms to school one full class day per week. 

WHAT ACTIVITIES ARE AVAILABLE FOR JROTC STUDENTS?  Students may participate as a member of a Color Guard, and Honor Guard, a Drill Team, and/or an Air Rifle Marksmanship Team.  Some students will be offered the opportunity to attend a JROTC camp for one week during the summer vacation period.  Finally, students will have the opportunity to progress in rank and responsibility and assist the instructors in conducting the JROTC program. 

DO BOYS HAVE TO GET A SHORT HAIRCUT?  Both boys and girls will be expected to meet standards of appearance when in uniform.  The standards for boys include hair of natural color, no “unique” hair styles, hair may not touch the collar of the uniform and may not hang over the ear.  Boys may not wear pony tails, hair pieces, or hair retention devices.  Mustaches must be neatly trimmed.  Beards are not allowed.  Boys may not wear earrings.  The standards for girls extending past the bottom edge of the collar (hair may be worn in a coiled braid or bun).  Earrings must be plain posts (one per ear), and make-up must be of a subdued or neutral color

CAN JROTC STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN OTHER ACTIVITIES, LIKE BAND, OR SPORTS?  Yes.  JROTC students are active in every phase of the school from sports to band, chorus, and student government.  

HOW MUCH TIME DOES JROTC TAKE?  The student must attend class as directed by his/her schedule, just like other courses, but other activities like drill team, rifle team, and/or color guard are optional.  These optional activities are available if the student’s grades meet school policy and the student wants to participate. 

DO JROTC STUDENTS RECEIVE SPECIAL RECOGNITION?  There are a large number of awards which are given for achievement in JROTC.  Some are given by the unit, some by the school, and others by local civic/patriotic groups.  Involvement, effort, and being an active member in the program are the main requirements. 

DOES JROTC HELP PREPARE FOR COLLEGE?  JROTC course material is academically sound and enhances the college preparatory curriculum.  JROTC is well represented in the ranks of the National Honor Society, National Merit Scholarship, and other academic and scholarship programs. 

WHAT DOES THE STUDENT GAIN FROM THE PROGRAM?  Aside from the normal benefits of a good high school course, there are some very serious benefits for those who wish to take advantage of them.(1)      JROTC instructors have been very successful in helping those students who are interested in college scholarships worth Service Academy appointments.  A limited number of scholarships or seeking up to $50,000 each and Service Academy appointments worth up to $200,000 are awarded to qualified high school students annually.(2)      Many colleges give advanced standing and credit for completion of the JROTC program to students who enroll in college ROTC.(3)      Those students who decide to enter active military service after graduation may receive advanced promotions for having successfully completed two or more years of JROTC. 

WHAT IF THE STUDENT ENROLLS AND THEN DOESN’T LIKE JROTCOnce a student is enrolled in JROTC we expect the student to try his/her hardest to successfully complete the course.  The first level of JROTC lasts only 90 class days, containing 16 uniform days.  Students who are dissatisfied with JROTC will not be required to continue to higher levels of the program.