
1. Teaching methods (Tme8519)2. Teaching methods (Tme8511)


, I am teaching two courses namely;

Course code

Stage: xxx

Classroom: xxxx

No. of Students: xx

Course code Tme8519

Stage: two

Classroom: two(Hall no.)

No. of Students: 36

Course code Tme8511

Stage: three

Classroom: three

No. of Students: 35

My Phiosophy in Teaching

Every classroom presents a unique community of learners that varies not only in abilities, but also in learning styles. My role as a teacher is to give students the tools with which to cultivate their own gardens of knowledge. To accomplish this goal, I will teach to the needs of each student so that all learners can feel capable and successful. I will present curriculum that involves the interests of the students and makes learning relevant to life. I will incorporate themes, integrated units, projects, group work, individual work, and hands-on learning in order to make students active learners. Finally, I will tie learning into the world community to help students become caring and active members of society.

My classroom will be a caring, safe, and equitable environment where each student can blossom and grow. I will allow students to become responsible members of our classroom community by using strategies such as class meetings, positive discipline, and democratic principles. In showing studentshow to become responsible for themselves as well as their own learning, I am giving them the tools to become successful in life, to believe in themselves, and to love themselves.

Teaching is a lifelong learning process of learning about new philosophies and new strategies, learning from the parents and community, learning from colleagues, and especially learning from the students. studentshave taught me to open my mind and my heart to the joys, the innocence, and the diversity of ideas in the world. Because of this, I will never forget how to smile with the new, cherish the old, and laugh with the students. .