Research & Supervision


Analysis is the most important phenomena in Arabic, which is made Arabic a unique language, a language that god appreciated it and brought Quran down in it. It remains alive with the existence of Quran. Through the study I gained the following conclusions, the researchers have different views upon analysis and the factors, some delete it with no proof and logical justification from the language and some others prefer to retain it, some researchers consider analysis and syntax as one term, none of them are different from one another except in naming, some of the confirm that analysis is a part of syntax, some of them have different idea about the relationship between the state of analysis and the factors, this differences which exist in the end of a word in a sentence functions as the state of analysis.

Analysis in not mere for decorating the sentence but for constructing a sentence according to fixed regulations, a sentence is a systematic co ordinance according to a factor's theory, and the change of the move in the end of every word, it is the change in the position of words in context.

The study consists of an introduction and three chapters; the introduction is a complete research about the analysis and the factor. The first chapter is about the function of verbs and it following effects, the second one is about the noun factors, and the third chapter is about the letter factors, and the impact of all these factors on what follows them.