

Emotional Vacuum and Balance and Harmony for the Married Professors of Salahaddin University/ Erbil

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7354-3020

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e-mail: jwan.nwri@koyauniversity.org

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Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is JWAN NOORI RASUL. I am an a PHD In the science of personal psychology holder from the Salahaddin University -Erbil , Teaching in the Faculty of Education

at Koya University in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq

I teach several topics at my faculty FEDU,


1. Developmental Psychology ( DPS8809)

2- Personal Psychology (PPS8817)

My research interests focus on;

Emotional Vacuum and Balance and Harmony for the Married Professors of Salahaddin University/ Erbil