
At the FSCH, I am teaching three courses namely

1. Industrial Chemistry ICH6016

2. Organic identification IDN6020 Laboratory

3. Petroleum Properties PCH6015 (Optional Sunject) 2nd Smester

4.General Chemistry AOC5402 Laboratory 2nd Semester

4- AOC5402

Stage: 1st

Classroom: Lab 2

No. of Students: 41

3-- PCH6015 (Optional Sunject) 2nd Smester

Stage: 4th

Classroom: (Hall no 5.)

No. of Students: 33

2- IDN6020

Stage: 4th

Classroom: Lab 3

No. of Students: 53

No. of Students: 26


Stage: 3rd

Classroom: (Hall no.6)

My Philosophy in Teaching

As much I care to innovate and incorporate sophisticated concepts in a classroom, as much I care how my students reacted to those innovations and concepts.

I believe that learning can and should be fun and that students who are active participants learn much more than those whose participation is largely passive. Teaching and learning involves an inherent contract. Students must agree to take responsibility for their learning in order to engage, and teachers must be willing to be engaged, as well. When students are so engaged, their learning is not solely dependent upon the rate of the delivery of lectures, so a mix and match of pace and teaching strategies designed to meet the needs of a range of learning skills need not be debilitating to the progress of any students. I welcome a group of students who are actively involved, thinking and questioning the material presented to them whether presented by me or by another student. I believe that scientific researches have a positive feedback to teaching quality. I am encouraging my students to be engaged in researches beside their study to expand their cognitive.