
Welcome to my portfolio's website

In this website, you can see all the information and documents collected on my academic progress, contribution and achievements during the academic year.

Name: Bayan Omar Sabr

Degree: MSC of the Arabic language

Title: Assistant lecturer

Position: Teaching staff of Faculty of Education, Department of Religious Education, Evening studies at Koya University

Department/Faculty: Department of Religious Education/FEDU

University: Koya University

E-mail: bayan.sabr@koyauniversity.org

Mobile: +964(07500628707

My Google Scholar page

ORCID: 0000-0003-2930-1379




Received his B.Sc. degree in Arabic Language, Koya University, Iraq(2010), M.Sc. degree in Arabic Language (Linguistic and Islamic studies), Cairo University, Egypt(2014).

And joined the Faculty of Education, Department of Religious Education at Koya University (2015), Recently he is an Assistant lecture and teaching staff Faculty Education, Department Religious Education Koya University. student of PhD from 2020