
Courses Fall 2016:

Web-Based Business Technologies

Web-based business technology course is mainly designed for undergraduate students in e-commerce and information management department, and introduces students to the fundamental protocols and methods that underlie the operation of the World Wide Web. It aims to provide students with basic knowledge and the skills necessary in developing web based applications and designing effective websites for various purposes. Relevant issues concerning effective application of web technologies and the available tools for web development are introduced including HTML, CSS, JavaScript and some idea about PHP and MYSQL.

Click here to download the web-based business technologies Syllabus

Database Management Systems

Database Management Systems course is mainly designed for undergraduate students in e-commerce and information management department, and introduces students to the use of Database Management Systems (DBMS) to explain a wide sort of information storage. Also there are a part about principles and methodologies of database design, and skills for database application development. A major part of this course will have students designing the database and implementing and using primarily MySQL.

Click here to download the Database management Systems Syllabus

e-Government strategy and Management

e-Government Strategy and Management course is mainly designed for undergraduate students in e-commerce department, and it prepares students to evaluate, participate, and lead and information technology especially e-government and e-governance project to improve and transform the business of government. In addition, this course will examine the nature, current and potential future impacts of e-government. E-government is the use of the internet and other information and communication technologies to provide government services and information, as well as channels of communication to citizens business and governments.

Click here to download the e-government Strategy and Management Syllabus