Contact Us

University Senate Office

Hutchinson Hall 305M

Kean University

1000 Morris Avenue

Union, NJ 07083

Phone: 732.200.2136 (temporary contact number)

Office Manager: Alisa Douglas

To request to present a topic or issue to the University Senate please email us at:

In your e-mail please state what the topic is regarding and who will present at the meeting. We will receive requests on a first come first serve basis.

Anyone can speak at Senate Meetings, once all issues are handled by Senators. Each individual who would like to give an open comment to the Senate will have approximately 2 minutes to do so (depending on that day's Agenda).

Other ways to communicate with the University Senate:

-Contact the committee that best serves your discussion or volunteer to join that committee.

You can see a list of committees on our Committees page. The committee lists will be updated once all responses to the survey requesting member participation is complete.

-University Senate meetings are open for everyone to attend. However, you MUST request to present a topic to the University Senate before attending the meeting.