
Step 1: Please change the title above from Prep 1 to the class you would like a web presence for. Remember you have to be signed in and hit the edit/pencil button. (Notice that the change in the title changes your sidebar navigation).

Step 2: Make this your page! This is the main page for your prep. You can choose to use it how you like. Explore the menus above. And see some ideas below.

  • Insert: Allows you insert a variety of gadgets, files, pictures, links and more
  • Format: Allows you to customize the appearance of the text on your page
  • Table: Allows you to insert and customize tables
  • Layout: Allows you to determine the organization of information on your page
  • Help: Provides great resources if you get stuck


You can customize your home page for each prep...There is not one type of webpage that works for every teacher...You have the ability to change everything about this template.

Untitled presentation