A Little About Me

I began teaching in 2010 with the Halton District School Board. I taught Grade 1 and Grade 6 students at Munn’s Public School. In 2012, I moved to Tom Thompson Public School where I taught Grades 1 and 2 and Grades 4 and 5. In 2016, I proudly accepted the role of gifted teacher here at Charles R. Beaudoin Public School. I currently teach both Grade 6 and Grade 7 students.

I have an interest in photography, cooking, reading, home renovations, outdoor recreation, travelling, writing, gardening, and history. I am passionate about learning and I truly enjoy sharing in the learning process with my students.

There something very special about teaching gifted students. I look forward to a fantastic year. I hope you all do too.

Ms. Jennifer Machado (or Machapo when the letters fail me)

Here’s an interesting Ted talk:

How to Escape Education’s Death by Sir Ken Robinson