Multiplication and Division Practice

5 Ways to Practise with Electronic Games

Hit The Button - one minute. go. repeat. get a new personal best! repeat. (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)

Multiplication flash cards (by number)

Multiplication games you can play with friends

Various Multiplication Games - Fun for the Brain

Various Multiplication Games - Math Play

12 Ways to Practise the Old Fashioned Way

  1. Use old school flashcards. Practice with a parent/friend/sibling. Make it a challenge and ask them to time you to go through the whole deck.
  2. Write out your math facts over and over again, until they become ingrained in your memory.
  3. Read them over and over. Say them forward and say them backward, until you can say them without even looking at the paper.
  4. Print out a worksheet and fill it in.
  5. Play with a partner. They give you the question and you tell them the answer. Then, They give you the answer and you have to give them the question.
  6. Dice War. With a partner, roll 2 dice, multiply the numbers together, whoever says the correct product first gets the point. First player to get 20 points is the winner.
  7. Write out the math facts (multiplication, division, addition and/or subtraction) you want to practice on little squares of paper and put them into a small container or bag. Take turns drawing out the little pieces of paper and putting them on the table. Whoever answers the question correctly gets the paper. Whoever has the most papers at the end is the winner.
  8. Make a cootie catcher with the facts you need practice with.
  9. Make up a song (row row row your boat x4, pop goes the weasel x6)
  10. Find a song on YouTube to get stuck in your head such as x5 or x7
  11. Write each multiplication fact in 4 different ways to learn the commutative properties

e.g., 2X4=8 4X2=8 8=2X4 8=4X2

12. Complete the fact family (ties multiplication and division)

e.g., 3X6=18 6x3=18 18/3=6 18/6=3