Southside Faculty, Staff, & Admin Shout-Outs

Parents and community members are highly encouraged to take a moment to give a staff member a Shout-Out.

SHS Shout-Outs

"It's a great year to be a tiger!"

~C. Brooks 2011-'16

Virtual Educational Support Class--> Tutoring available by appointment

Required Google Meets: Tuesday & Thursday

Open Dialogue for Virtual Students with Ed. Support or Consultative --> 1:55 PM (unless otherwise noted in classroom)

Please refer to Google Classroom for Link.

1- Follow Regular Bell Schedule: Attendance Plan 75% in school 4 days per week.





2- Please follow your schedule daily whether you are a virtual student or hybrid-student (Brick & Mortar).

Please remember ALL STUDENTS will be expected to attend Donaldson Career Center (DCC).

This also includes all virtual students, contact guidance if you are scheduled for DCC but are unable to attend. Transportation is provide in the AM/PM from SHS to DCC and DCC to SHS. It will be the student and parent responsibility to provide transportation home. Please contact guidance at either Donaldson Career Center or Southside High School.

Dotson Haislop 2020-2021 Lesson Plan

Educational Support Overview of Lesson Plans- Haislop

Lesson Plans Week 8

Lesson Plans Week 9

Mask are mandatory at all time except for when seated in a classroom and social distancing. You need to bring your own supplies, you may not borrow from your peer and the teacher is not permitted to give you materials due to the spread of COVID -19.

Safe water stations have been installed through-out the school on the main hallways. Please bring your own, preferable clear water bottle that you can refill through-out the day.

Brick and Mortar Students

75% in school (4 days/week)

Blue A-D Red E -K Green L- Q Purple R-Z