
Post date: Jan 20, 2014 9:53:52 PM

gpadmin=# \d gp_toolkit.gp_log_database

View "gp_toolkit.gp_log_database"

Column | Type | Modifiers 


logtime | timestamp with time zone | 

loguser | text | 

logdatabase | text | 

logpid | text | 

logthread | text | 

loghost | text | 

logport | text | 

logsessiontime | timestamp with time zone | 

logtransaction | integer | 

logsession | text | 

logcmdcount | text | 

logsegment | text | 

logslice | text | 

logdistxact | text | 

loglocalxact | text | 

logsubxact | text | 

logseverity | text | 

logstate | text | 

logmessage | text | 

logdetail | text | 

loghint | text | 

logquery | text | 

logquerypos | integer | 

logcontext | text | 

logdebug | text | 

logcursorpos | integer | 

logfunction | text | 

logfile | text | 

logline | integer | 

logstack | text | 

View definition:

SELECT gp_log_system.logtime, gp_log_system.loguser, gp_log_system.logdatabase, gp_log_system.logpid, gp_log_system.logthread, gp_log_system.loghost, gp_log

_system.logport, gp_log_system.logsessiontime, gp_log_system.logtransaction, gp_log_system.logsession, gp_log_system.logcmdcount, gp_log_system.logsegment, g

p_log_system.logslice, gp_log_system.logdistxact, gp_log_system.loglocalxact, gp_log_system.logsubxact, gp_log_system.logseverity, gp_log_system.logstate, gp

_log_system.logmessage, gp_log_system.logdetail, gp_log_system.loghint, gp_log_system.logquery, gp_log_system.logquerypos, gp_log_system.logcontext, gp_log_s

ystem.logdebug, gp_log_system.logcursorpos, gp_log_system.logfunction, gp_log_system.logfile, gp_log_system.logline, gp_log_system.logstack

FROM gp_toolkit.gp_log_system

WHERE gp_log_system.logdatabase = current_database()::text

logtime=>The timestamp of the log message.

loguser=>The name of the database user.

logdatabase=>The name of the database.

logpid=>The associated process id (prefixed with "p").

logthread=>The associated thread count (prefixed with "th").

loghost=>The segment or master host name.

logport=>The segment or master port.

logsessiontime=>Time session connection was opened.

logtransaction=>Global transaction id.

logsession=>The session identifier (prefixed with "con").

logcmdcount=>The command number within a session (prefixed with "cmd").

logsegment=>The segment content identifier (prefixed with "seg" for primary or "mir" for mirror. The master always has a content id of -1).

logslice=>The slice id (portion of the query plan being executed).

logdistxact=>Distributed transaction id.

loglocalxact=>Local transaction id.

logsubxact=>Subtransaction id.

logseverity=>LOG, ERROR, FATAL, PANIC, DEBUG1 or DEBUG2.

logstate=>SQL state code associated with the log message.

logmessage=>Log or error message text.

logdetail=>Detail message text associated with an error message.

loghint=>Hint message text associated with an error message.

logquery=>The internally-generated query text.

logquerypos=>The cursor index into the internally-generated query text.

logcontext=>The context in which this message gets generated.

logdebug=>Query string with full detail for debugging.

logcursorpos=>The cursor index into the query string.

logfunction=>The function in which this message is generated.

logfile=>The log file in which this message is generated.

logline=>The line in the log file in which this message is generated.

logstack=>Full text of the stack trace associated with this message.

This view uses an external table to read the server log files of the entire Greenplum system (master, segments, and mirrors) and lists log entries associated with the current database. Associated log entries can be identified by the session id (logsession) and command id (logcmdcount). 

The use of this view requires superuser permissions.

gpadmin=# select * from gp_toolkit.gp_log_database limit 10;

logtime | loguser | logdatabase | logpid | logthread | loghost | logport | logsessiontime | logtransaction | logsessi

on | logcmdcount | logsegment | logslice | logdistxact | loglocalxact | logsubxact | logseverity | logstate | 

logmessage | logdetail | loghint | logquery | logquerypos | logcontext | 

logdebug | logcursorpos | logfunction | logfile | logline | logstack 





2013-11-27 12:55:25.721427-05 | gpadmin | gpadmin | p19653 | th1344132864 | [local] | | 2013-11-27 12:55:25-05 | 0 | con11 

| | seg-1 | | | | | FATAL | 3D000 | database "gpadmin" does not exist 

| | | | | | 

| 0 | | postinit.c | 404 | 

2013-11-27 14:20:29.534951-05 | gpadmin | gpadmin | p26167 | th1318504192 | [local] | | 2013-11-27 14:20:19-05 | 1111 | con8 

| cmd1 | seg-1 | | dx3 | x1111 | sx1 | LOG | 00000 | statement: alter role sachi login; 

| | | | | | alter role sachi lo

gin; | 0 | | postgres.c | 1542 | 

2013-11-27 14:20:29.542075-05 | gpadmin | gpadmin | p26171 | th-1635629312 | | 59892 | 2013-11-27 14:20:29-05 | 975 | con8 

| | seg0 | | | x975 | sx1 | LOG | 00000 | binding to only 

| | | | | | 

| 0 | | ic_tcp.c | 230 | 

2013-11-27 14:20:29.549326-05 | gpadmin | gpadmin | p26173 | th-460380416 | | 43424 | 2013-11-27 14:20:29-05 | 975 | con8 

| | seg1 | | | x975 | sx1 | LOG | 00000 | binding to only 

| | | | | | 

| 0 | | ic_tcp.c | 230 | 

2013-11-27 14:21:12.910452-05 | gpadmin | gpadmin | p26167 | th1318504192 | [local] | | 2013-11-27 14:20:19-05 | 1113 | con8 

| cmd2 | seg-1 | | dx4 | x1113 | sx1 | LOG | 00000 | statement: CREATE RESOURCE QUEUE perf_test ACTI


UE perf_test ACTIVE THRESHOLD 2 COST THRESHOLD 100000000 IGNORE THRESHOLD 100000 OVERCOMMIT; | 0 | | postgres.c | 1542 | 

2013-11-27 14:21:12.914221-05 | gpadmin | gpadmin | p26208 | th-1635629312 | | 59897 | 2013-11-27 14:21:12-05 | 978 | con8 

| | seg0 | | | x978 | sx1 | LOG | 00000 | binding to only 

| | | | | | 

| 0 | | ic_tcp.c | 230 | 

2013-11-27 14:21:12.91816-05 | gpadmin | gpadmin | p26210 | th-460380416 | | 43429 | 2013-11-27 14:21:12-05 | 978 | con8 

| | seg1 | | | x978 | sx1 | LOG | 00000 | binding to only 

| | | | | | 

| 0 | | ic_tcp.c | 230 | 

2013-11-28 08:41:19.141128-05 | gpadmin | gpadmin | p29778 | th1318504192 | [local] | | 2013-11-28 08:41:06-05 | 1115 | con10 

| cmd1 | seg-1 | | dx5 | x1115 | sx1 | LOG | 00000 | statement: SELECT n.nspname AS "Name", 

| | | | | | SELECT n.nspname AS

"Name", | 0 | | postgres.c | 1542 | 

: pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(n.nspowner) AS "Ow

ner" : pg_catalog.pg_get

_userbyid(n.nspowner) AS "Owner" 

: FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n 

: FROM pg_catalog.pg_

namespace n 

: WHERE (n.nspname !~ '^pg_temp_' OR 

: WHERE (n.nspname 

!~ '^pg_temp_' OR 

: n.nspname = (pg_catalog.curren

t_schemas(true))[1]) : n.

nspname = (pg_catalog.current_schemas(true))[1]) 

: ORDER BY 1; 

: ORDER BY 1; 

2013-11-29 08:42:14.328884-05 | gpadmin | gpadmin | p10441 | th1318504192 | [local] | | 2013-11-29 08:42:06-05 | 1188 | con14 

| cmd1 | seg-1 | | dx74 | x1188 | sx1 | LOG | 00000 | statement: select version(); 

| | | | | | select version(); 

| 0 | | postgres.c | 1542 | 

2014-01-18 02:16:42.3651-05 | gpadmin | gpadmin | p30158 | th39933696 | [local] | | 2014-01-18 02:16:25-05 | 1379 | con7 

| cmd1 | seg-1 | | dx3 | x1379 | sx1 | LOG | 00000 | statement: SELECT c.oid, 

| | | | | | SELECT c.oid, 

| 0 | | postgres.c | 1542 | 

: n.nspname, 

: n.nspname, 

: c.relname 

: c.relname 

: FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c 

: FROM pg_catalog.pg_

class c 

: LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.o

id = c.relnamespace : LEFT JOIN pg_c

atalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace 

: WHERE n.nspname ~ '^(pg_catalog)#39; 

: WHERE n.nspname ~ '


: ORDER BY 2, 3; 

: ORDER BY 2, 3; 

(10 rows)
