Educational Options

AP (Advanced Placement) Classes give students access to rigorous college-level work. AP students build confidence and learn the essential time management and study skills needed for college and career success. Students interested in AP courses are encouraged to talk to their counselor & teachers about the benefit of these classes. 

Running Start is a program in which high school juniors and seniors take courses at Clark College as a part of their high school program. Successful completion of college level courses (numbered 100 and above) yields college credit and can also be used to satisfy high school requirements. 

Main Office: (360) 992-2366

Cascadia Tech Academy  is offered to Juniors and Seniors and prepares students for the work force by offering students the opportunity to be trained in technical career areas. Find out which programs they offer and how to register on their website. 

Main Office: (360) 604-1050

HeLa High School is open to students in the Evergreen School District who want their education to have a focus on health care with an emphasis on math and science. 

Main Office: (360) 604-6340

Alternative Options

Day Wolf is a credit recovery option at Heritage High School. In Day Wolf, students are able to recover credits by completing online classes. Students work at their own pace and can make up as many credits as they are motivated to. Students interested in Day Wolf need to make an appointment with their counselor and fill out an application. 

Legacy High School Offers a combination of class types, including online, independent study, and in-class. When their enrollment is high, they will only offer the independent study courses. For independent study courses, students must go to Legacy at least once a week (can go more often as needed). Application is available on their site, under "parents" or "students" and "forms".

Main Office: (360) 604-3900

GRADS (Graduation Reality and Dual role Skills) is a program developed for any pregnant or parenting high school student. The GRADS program is located at Evergreen High School. Students enrolled in GRADS receive prenatal and parenting education, transportation to and from school, child care, nurse consultation and home/hospital tutor. More information about this program is available in the counseling center. 

Contact: Peggy McNabb, GRADS teacher, (360) 604-3700 ext. 8795

Washington Youth Academy is a 5 month long state-run residential program housed in Bremerton, WA for students at-risk of not graduating, ages 16-19. Students learn self-discipline, leadership and self-esteem while completing up to 8 academic credits. Students must be drug-free upon enrollment. This program is free. Applications are available online. Program entrance dates are twice per year in January and July. 

Contact: Kelly Ingalls (360) 473-2617

GED (General Education Development) Students will pretest in the 4 subject area: Social Studies, Science, Language Arts and Mathematics. Students then work on any weak areas until they are ready to take the official test. You must attend at least once per week for 2 hours, but can attend more often for help. The teacher also provides instruction in job searching, resumes and interviewing skills. Students pursuing their GED but have not yet turned 21 years old are eligible to enroll in a Cascadia Tech Academy Program.

Contact: Ryan Olson (360) 604-1001 ext. 1693