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This is a link to a PDF: Healthy Computer Use

Computers (Limit!)

Hello Families and Students,
I curated this section to help find activities for engaging and meaningful exploration while we are homebound. Please use these resources sparingly. Time glued to a screen can be harmful. We are already probably overly consuming media in our current situation. I refuse to see any students with "geek" hunch so please check out the exercise resources Ginny shared on the active page and follow the guidelines in the downloadable PDF to the left as you engage in online activities.
With all my heart,Dr. Rurik (Mx. N)

Video Channels

Ants Canada: Somehow this YouTuber crafts engaging stories about the lives of his captive ant colonies that we can resist watching.

ASAP Science: Making science make sense.

Crash Course: A ton of awesome courses in one channel.

Khan Academy: The well known website also runs a nice YouTube channel.

Backyard Scientist: Entertaining but also dangerous - not things to do at home! Parent Warning!!

Primitive Technology: Primitive technology is a channel where an Australian native shows how to create with basic materials. Watch with your kids as they may have questions about some of the content.

Real Life Lore: Have you ever wanted to ask that really crazy question of someone....? Well these folk ask the question and then try to figure out the reality behind the lore!

Coding Games

Code Combat: CodeCombat is a game-based computer science program where students type real code and see their characters react in real time. Try a one-hour tutorial designed for all ages. They curate a ton of options on this site.

Tynker: An award winning block and text-based programming course.