About Me

A Glimpse

I graduated from Muskingum University with an undergraduate degree in English and a teaching certificate for 7th-12th grades. I have my master's degree from Marygrove College in education. I love my career. I look forward to going to work and I appreciate the students and staff that I am priviledged enough to serve.


With two young sons, whatever they are interested in pretty much becomes what I am interested in. Currently we seem to be obsessed with the following toys, games, and activities.

1. LEGO: Alex is a whiz at all things LEGO

2. Skylanders

3. Lego Wii- Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Batman, Harry Potter, POC, & LOTR

4. Mario Kart 8

5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

6. Minecraft

7. Music: Max is on track to become a great dee-jay

8. Golf (putt-putt and regular course golf)

9. Various Ipad App games

10. Reading! A few favorites: Minnie & Moo and Kat Kong when the boys were little. Now we listen to audio books in the van constantly. We've read all the Harry Potter books and the entire Percy Jackson series. It makes our time traveling go so much quicker.

On any given night you could also find us watching Amazing Race, Big Brother, or other shows on our recorded list. We love traveling and are saving up to someday go overseas on vacation! We really enjoy being together and love the area we live in.

I have two children, Alex (10) and Max (8).