Undergraduate Conference–STMS

The Undergraduate Research Conference in Science, Technology, Medicine and Society first took place in 2017 on DePauw's campus. Since then, the conference has taken place every year. The conference is truly interdisciplinary and has brought together students from across North America to discuss their fascinating, original work in this broad area, ranging from augmented realities, to medical ethics to the intersections of science, medicine and religion in the pre-modern and early modern eras. The conference always has faculty discussants for each panel of undergraduate papers and a distinguished scholar in the field as the keynote.

The programs and posters for earlier iterations of the conference are linked below, as are stories about the conference (where appropriate). The Call for Papers/Confirmed Schedule (as appropriate) for the current conference is also linked below. You may also check out our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/STMSconference/.